The Effects of Gamification on Students’ Flow Experience : A Controlled Experimental Study
Brambilla, Andrea; Oliveira, Wilk; Scaico, Pasqueline Dantas; Hamari, Juho; Li, Zhaoxing; Shi, Lei; Dindar, Muhterem (2024)
Brambilla, Andrea
Oliveira, Wilk
Scaico, Pasqueline Dantas
Hamari, Juho
Li, Zhaoxing
Shi, Lei
Dindar, Muhterem
Teoksen toimittaja(t)
Altinay, Zehra
Chang, Maiga
Kuo, Rita
Tlili, Ahmed
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Peer reviewed
Gamification is commonly employed to support the formation of positive psychological states and learning outcomes, with one of the primary psychological factors chiefly relevant to learning being the flow state. However, the effects of gamification on students’ flow experience are still little known. Filling this gap, we conducted a between-subjects controlled experiment (N = 65) to analyze the effects of gamification on students’ flow experience. Using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, we compared the flow experience between participants who used a gamified version of an educational system (experimental group) and a group that used the same system without gamification (control group). The main results indicate that the employed gamification design did not affect students’ flow experience. Our study contributes especially to educational technologies and gamification fields, demonstrating that gamification may not affect students’ flow experience.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [19830]