Productive online interactions for developing the impact of continuous learning
Juvonen, Sanna; Toiviainen, Hanna (2024-01-30)
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Juvonen, Sanna
Toiviainen, Hanna
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
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Peer reviewed
This study investigated the possibilities of productive interactions during knowledge creation exercise in facilitated knowledge-artefact-mediated online workshops. The workshops were organised for health and social sector professionals by adhering to COVID-19 restrictions. The analysis focused on the discussion of the impact of professional specialisation education programmes, which was the object of development activity to enhance continuous learning in working life. Multi-professional online discussions from three workshops were analysed by applying the categories of productive interaction (Damşa, C. I. (2014). The multi-layered nature of small-group learning: Productive interactions in object-oriented collaboration. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 9(3), 247–281. based on the knowledge creation (KC) approach. Different types of productive interactions were explored. Particularly, generative collaborative actions for expanding the understanding of the impact of education programmes were developed through the speaking turns. The facilitator’s role and the knowledge artefact mediation were found to be crucial for productive interaction. Online work, even for the development of demanding objects of activity, can thus be productive and capable of generating ideas across professional borders.
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