Descriptive Complexity for Distributed Computing with Circuits
Ahvonen, Veeti; Heiman, Damian; Hella, Lauri; Kuusisto, Antti (2023-08)
Ahvonen, Veeti
Heiman, Damian
Hella, Lauri
Kuusisto, Antti
Teoksen toimittaja(t)
Leroux, Jerome
Lombardy, Sylvain
Peleg, David
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
08 / 2023
48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, MFCS 2023
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Peer reviewed
We consider distributed algorithms in the realistic scenario where distributed message passing is operated by circuits. We show that within this setting, modal substitution calculus MSC precisely captures the expressive power of circuits. The result is established via constructing translations that are highly efficient in relation to size. We also observe that the coloring algorithm based on Cole-Vishkin can be specified by logarithmic size programs (and thus also logarithmic size circuits) in the bounded-degree scenario.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [18272]