Design of a UPS Integrated Heat Exchanger : Product development process utilizing CPM/PDD, DRP, Taguchi method and CFD simulation
Raittinen, Ville (2022)
Raittinen, Ville
Konetekniikan DI-ohjelma - Master's Programme in Mechanical Engineering
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunta - Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
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Thesis objective is to study how CPM/PDD, DRP, Taguchi methods and CFD simulation integrate to each other. Study is done by using a case study which is developing prototype for a proof of UPS integrated heat exchanger concept. This thesis uses a CPM/PDD method for a framework to product development and integrates DRP and Taguchi methods and approximate calculations and CFD simulation tools to it.
Thesis goes through a little bit of a background of UPS and case study’s subject. Before diving into subject, thesis determines the research methodology and opens how research is made. After principal information of research, thesis presents the theory behind the CPM/PDD, DRP, Taguchi methods, thermal and flow calculations and CFD simulation. Last parts of thesis present how theory is applied to case study and proposes results of each of them.
Development starts with project planning using a DRP method, goes on to collecting a list of required properties of UPS integrated heat exchanger and opens CPM/PDD method’s applying to case study. Opens available initial information where heat exchanger’s dimensioning is based on. Presents results of calculations and CFD simulation. Presents how prototype’s testing is made and what are the results of test measurements. Collects all of designer’s knowledge to DRP map of product development to use in further product development.
Results for thesis objectives are promising. All of methods and tools integrated to each other. Only inconvenience is that Taguchi method couldn’t applied to practice. CPM/PDD and DRP methods nature is kind a same and they fit to each other well. CPM/PDD method is designed to suit tools which determine properties of characteristics, such as calculations and CFD simulation. Case study’s subject, a proof of UPS integrated heat exchanger concept, is functional even though every required properties isn’t fulfilled.
Thesis goes through a little bit of a background of UPS and case study’s subject. Before diving into subject, thesis determines the research methodology and opens how research is made. After principal information of research, thesis presents the theory behind the CPM/PDD, DRP, Taguchi methods, thermal and flow calculations and CFD simulation. Last parts of thesis present how theory is applied to case study and proposes results of each of them.
Development starts with project planning using a DRP method, goes on to collecting a list of required properties of UPS integrated heat exchanger and opens CPM/PDD method’s applying to case study. Opens available initial information where heat exchanger’s dimensioning is based on. Presents results of calculations and CFD simulation. Presents how prototype’s testing is made and what are the results of test measurements. Collects all of designer’s knowledge to DRP map of product development to use in further product development.
Results for thesis objectives are promising. All of methods and tools integrated to each other. Only inconvenience is that Taguchi method couldn’t applied to practice. CPM/PDD and DRP methods nature is kind a same and they fit to each other well. CPM/PDD method is designed to suit tools which determine properties of characteristics, such as calculations and CFD simulation. Case study’s subject, a proof of UPS integrated heat exchanger concept, is functional even though every required properties isn’t fulfilled.