Job well robotized! – Maintaining task diversity and well-being in managing technological changes
Turja, Tuuli; Särkikoski, Tuomo; Koistinen, Pertti; Krutova, Oxana; Melin, Harri (2022-08-12)
Turja, Tuuli
Särkikoski, Tuomo
Koistinen, Pertti
Krutova, Oxana
Melin, Harri
European Management Journal
Julkaisun pysyvä osoite on
Peer reviewed
In an era of emerging service work robotization, this article investigates how workers perceive job diversity in robotized work, and how those perceptions relate to job satisfaction and the perceived meaningfulness of a job. The study used a nationwide Quality of Work Life survey (QWLS) data collected in Finland in 2018 (N = 4110), and its subsample of salary earners working in a robotized workplace at the time of the study (n = 535). The data were analyzed using a correlative cross-sectional study design, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and OLS regression analysis. Against a common belief and previous studies, the findings show that intrinsic job satisfaction at work is on the average lower in robotized workplaces than in nonrobotized workplaces. The aggregate higher job satisfaction and perceived meaningfulness of work were mostly associated with perceived task diversity depending on whether, or how extensively, the employee worked with robots. The study contributes to the scientific robotization discussions with unique empirical evidence of job diversity and well-being. Moreover, the study produces information for working life, organizations, and change management by disclosing the importance of maintaining job diversity in and after implementing technological changes.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [18272]