Circuit configuration of a sensorless multilevel inverter with voltage multiplying ability
Azimi, Erfan; Khodaparast, Aryorad; Hafezi, Hossein (2021-09-06)
Azimi, Erfan
Khodaparast, Aryorad
Hafezi, Hossein
SEST 2021 - 4th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies
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This paper proposes a novel circuit configuration for multilevel inverters based on the switched-capacitor concept. This topology is suitable for integrating renewable energy sources into the utility grid due to its versatile voltage boosting capability. Simple Nearest Level Modulation (NLM) technique is used to control the newly proposed inverter topology. Requiring a single DC source and a reduced number of semiconductor devices are the main advantages of the proposed circuit structure. Furthermore, inherent voltage balancing of the capacitors and simple control process with neither a need for any external controllers nor sensors are other operational benefits of the presented topology. The performance of the 9-Level inverter is validated through a simulation model and experimental setup.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [19816]