Line-of-Sight Probability for mmWave-based UAV Communications in 3D Urban Grid Deployments
Gapeyenko,Margarita; Moltchanov,Dmitri; Andreev,Sergey; Heath,Robert W. (2021-04-29)
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Heath,Robert W.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
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Peer reviewed
The network operators will soon be accommodating a new type of users: unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). 5G New Radio (NR) technology operating in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency bands can support the emerging bandwidth-hungry applications facilitated by such aerial devices. To reliably integrate UAVs into the NR-based network infrastructure, new system models that capture the features of UAVs in urban environments are required. As city building blocks constitute one of the primary sources of blockage on the links from the UAV to its serving base station (BS), the corresponding line-of-sight (LoS) probability models are essential for accurate performance evaluation in realistic scenarios. We propose a LoS probability model in UAV communication setups over regular urban grid deployments, which is based on a Manhattan Poisson line process. Our approach captures different building height distributions as well as their dimensions and densities. Under certain characteristic distributions, closed-form expressions for the LoS probability are offered. Our numerical results demonstrate the importance of accounting for the building height distribution type as well as the orientation of the UAV with respect to its BS. By comparing our model with the standard ITU and 3GPP formulations, we establish that the latter provide an overly optimistic approximation for various deployments.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [18384]
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