Wireless power transfer to intra-abdominal implants using an anatomically adaptive around-the-body loop antenna
Ahmed, Shahbaz; Sydänheimo, Lauri; Ukkonen, Leena; Björninen, Toni (2019-10-18)
Ahmed, Shahbaz
Sydänheimo, Lauri
Ukkonen, Leena
Björninen, Toni
Proceedings of XXXV Finnish URSI Convention on Radio Science
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We studied the possibility of wireless powering, the intra-abdominal implants using an anatomically adaptive around-the-body loop antenna. The analysis includes the wireless link characterization and modelling using an anatomical and a simplified homogenous body model. We categorically analyze the power transfer link for four body sizes ranging from 21 to 36 inches of radial dimensions with an implant depth of 48.5 to 101 mm with promising received power level. In this assessment, the transducer power gain of the wireless power transfer link varied from −2.65 to −10.84 dB.
- TUNICRIS-julkaisut [18272]