"614 Theology" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
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From the Ultimate God to the Virtual God : Post-Ontotheological Perspectives on the Divine in Heidegger, Badiou, and Meillassoux
articleThe Heideggerian account of the ontotheological constitution of Western metaphysics has been extremely influential for contemporary philosophy of religion and for philosophical perspectives on theology and the divine. This ... -
Histories of Experience in the World of Lived Religion
Palgrave Studies in the History of Experience (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
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Leadership on Crusade : Military Excellence, Physical Action and Gender in the Twelfth-Century Chronicles of the First Crusade and the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
(10 / 2023)
articleIt is hardly surprising that in the chronicles of the First Crusade (1096–1099) and in the Chronicon of William of Tyre, accounts propagating Christian warfare, impressiveness, authority and command stem from military ... -
Led by the spirit and the Church : Finland’s licensed Lutheran lay preachers, c.1870–1923
reviewThis article examines the interplay between religious agency and institutional control. The Church Law of 1869 gave members of the Lutheran Church of Finland the right to apply to chapters for permission to preach. Men who ... -
Miracula and exempla - A Complicated Relationship
(Brill, 09.09.2021)
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Practical Matters : Canonization Processes in the Making
(Brill, 2021)
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Purity rules in pentecostal Uganda : towards an analysis of relational rulework
articleRules concerning romantic relationships and sex—what we term ‘purity rules’—are central to Pentecostalism in Uganda. In public church arenas, the born-again variant of the rules laid down during Uganda’s ‘ABC’ response to ... -
Queering Polymorphic Jesus in the Early Christian Acts of John and in Seventeenth- Century French Ursuline Lived Religion
articleThe idea of Jesus as a hybrid of God and human forms the basis of Dyophysite Christology. The various forms and shapes Jesus takes on-their polymorphism-has been less studied, and never from a queer theoretical perspective. ... -
Religious bodies : Lutheran chaplains interpreting and asserting religiousness of people with severe dementia in Finnish nursing homes
articleAbstract: The prevalence of dementia is increasing globally as populations grow older. Moder-ate and severe dementia are the main reasons for older people entering long-term care in Fin-land, and the vast majority of nursing ... -
Silent accord : Qi 契 as a metaphor for enlightenment and transmission in Chan buddhist discourse
articleIn this paper, we explore the historical background and the semantic underpinnings of a central, if marginally treated, metaphor of enlightenment and transmission in Chan discourse, “silent accord” 默契. It features centrally ... -
The thickening modern: developing a research agenda beyond intensifying rationalism
(Edward Elgar, 2021)
bookPartWe engage in a transdisciplinary trial attempting to understand a societal paradigm slide we call the thickening modern. It is a reaction to the modern way of thinking that attempts to cope with the challenges presented ...