"Xing, Hui Kun" - Selaus tekijän mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut

    • Dietary Supplement Intake and Fecundability in a Singapore Preconception Cohort Study 

      Ku, Chee Wai; Ku, Chee Onn; Tay, Liza Pui Chin; Xing, Hui Kun; Cheung, Yin Bun; Godfrey, Keith M.; Colega, Marjorelee T.; Teo, Cherlyen; Tan, Karen Mei Ling; Chong, Yap Seng; Shek, Lynette Pei Chi; Tan, Kok Hian; Chan, Shiao Yng; Lim, Shan Xuan; Chong, Mary Foong Fong; Yap, Fabian; Chan, Jerry Kok Yen; Loy, See Ling (12 / 2022)
      Subfertility is a global problem affecting millions worldwide, with declining total fertility rates. Preconception dietary supplementation may improve fecundability, but the magnitude of impact remains unclear. This ...