"Saad, Walid" - Selaus tekijän mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut

    • Neurosciences and Wireless Networks : The Potential of Brain-Type Communications and Their Applications 

      Moioli, Renan C.; Nardelli, Pedro H.J.; Barros, Michael Taynnan; Saad, Walid; Hekmatmanesh, Amin; Silva, Pedro E.Goria; de Sena, Arthur S.; Dzaferagic, Merim; Siljak, Harun; Van Leekwijck, Werner; Carrillo, Dick; Latre, Steven (2021)
      This paper presents the first comprehensive tutorial on a promising research field located at the frontier of two well-established domains, neurosciences and wireless communications, motivated by the ongoing efforts to ...