"Riutta, Asko" - Selaus tekijän mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut

    • Moderate hyperuricemia ameliorated kidney damage in a low-renin model of experimental renal insufficiency 

      Kurra, Venla; Eräranta, Arttu; Paavonen, Timo; Honkanen, Teemu; Myllymäki, Juhani; Riutta, Asko; Tikkanen, Ilkka; Lakkisto, Päivi; Mustonen, Jukka; Pörsti, Ilkka (01 / 2023)
      Uric acid has promoted renal fibrosis and inflammation in experimental studies, but some studies have shown nephroprotective effects due to alleviated oxidative stress. We studied the influence of experimental hyperuricemia ...