"Paakkari, Antti" - Selaus tekijän mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Activity-tracking assemblages in Finnish early childhood education and care
Paakkari, Antti; Paananen, Maiju; Grieshaber, Susan (2023)
articleChildren’s activity-trackers have recently gained popularity to ensure sufficient exercise for children attending Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care settings. Device manufacturers collaborate with public and private ... -
The device on the desk–a sociomaterial analysis of how Snapchat adapts to and participates in the classroom
Valasmo, Verneri; Paakkari, Antti; Sahlström, Fritjof (2023)
articleThis study analysed how students’ mobile phones and Snapchat are adapted to and participate in the classroom. Insights from the actor network theory were used to discuss the interconnections between students, mobile phones, ... -
Imaginaries of ECEC : A comparison of policies of access in early childhood education in Brazil, Finland, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Nepal, and Serbia
Paananen, Maiju; G. Centeno, Vera; Fjällström, Salla; Bhattarai, Devi Prasad; Jovanović, Gordana; Madureira Ferreira, Juliene; Millei, Zsuzsa; Rosa Ribeiro, Camila; Paakkari, Antti; Sadat Sajjadieh, Narges; Tholchah, Muchammad; Varpanen, Jan (15.10.2023)
articleIncreasing access to ECEC has been on the agendas of international organizations and many countries in different parts of the world. Despite the clear global interconnectivity, this article shows that contextual factors ... -
Invisible Participation : A Sociomaterial Analysis of a Synchronous Distance Lesson during Emergency Remote Teaching
Valasmo, Verneri; Paakkari, Antti; Sahlström, Fritjof; Backholm-Nyberg, Yvonne; Majors, Joachim (2023)
articleThis research examines the day-to-day sociomaterial practices adopted during a Zoom distance lesson, enquiring into how student participation is enacted in a video lesson assemblage. The research is based on video data ... -
”Siellä on ylimääräistä resurssia, jota mä voin tarvittaessa siirtää” - Talous ja päiväkodin johtajien työ
Toivonen, Hanna; Paananen, Maiju; Paakkari, Antti (2023)
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Toward a democracy of translations? Local evaluation actor networks in Finnish early childhood education
Siippainen, Anna; Toivonen, Hanna; Paakkari, Antti (2023)
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Yrittäjyys tyhjänä merkitsijänä : Tiedon ja subjektiuden tuotanto yrittäjyyskasvatuksessa
Mononen-Batista Costa, Sari; Paakkari, Antti; Guttorm, Hanna; Ikävalko, Elina; Kurki, Tuuli; Pyykkönen, Miikka; Vaahtera, Touko
Helda Open Books (Helsingin yliopisto, Kasvatustieteellinen tiedekunta, 2022)