"Paajanen, Paula" - Selaus tekijän mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Child’s Presence Shapes Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Everyday Intergroup Contact
Paajanen, Paula; Seppälä, Tuija; Stevenson, Clifford; Finell, Eerika (2022)
articleResearch on intergroup contact has considered how the occurrence and experience of contact is affected by ingroup members. Qualitative studies of contact in real-life settings have additionally highlighted how multiple ... -
Development of first-time mothers' sense of shared identity and integration with other mothers in their neighbourhood
Seppälä, Tuija; Riikonen, Reetta; Paajanen, Paula; Stevenson, Clifford; Finell, Eerika (2021)
articleMothers’ social integration with other mothers in the same residential area has been shown to be beneficial for their health and well-being. The socio-psychological resources afforded by other mothers aid the transition ... -
Keeping Apart on the Playground : Construction of Informal Segregation on Public Playgrounds in Multiethnic Neighborhoods
Paajanen, Paula; Seppälä, Tuija; Stevenson, Clifford; Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika (03 / 2023)
articleInformal segregation has been widely studied in various public settings but not on public playgrounds. Drawing on an 11-month ethnography among mothers of young children, we examine how informal segregation is (re)produced ... -
Who is expected to make contact? Interpretative repertoires related to an intergroup encounter between Finnish majority mothers and immigrant mothers
Riikonen, Reetta; Finell, Eerika; Suoninen, Eero; Paajanen, Paula; Stevenson, Clifford (2023)
articleAlthough the benefits of contact for positive intergroup relations are widely acknowledged, less is known about how group members construct the agency and responsibility of contact participants in intergroup encounters. ...