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Viitteet 19150-19169 / 19753
Vibration level reduction by floor coverings installed on wooden slabs
articleEffect of floor coverings on impact sound insulation can be described with a vibration level reduction (ΔLa). In this study, tests with two floor coverings, eight wooden slabs and with a concrete mock-up slab were conducted ... -
Vibration transmittance measures sternotomy stability - a preliminary study in human cadavers
article<p>Background: Stability is essential for the normal healing of a sternotomy. Mechanical vibration transmittance may provide a new means of early detection of diastasis in the sternotomy and thus enable the prevention of ... -
Video coding of dynamic 3D point cloud data
articleDue to the increased popularity of augmented (AR) and virtual (VR) reality experiences, the interest in representing the real world in an immersive fashion has never been higher. Distributing such representations enables ... -
Video Conferencing in the Age of Covid-19 : Engaging Online Interaction Using Facial Expression Recognition and Supplementary Haptic Cues
(Springer, 2021)
conferenceObjectMore than 50 years since its mass market introduction the core user interfaces of Video Conferencing (VC) systems have essentially been unchanged. Relay-ing real time audio and video over distance is inherently productive. ... -
Video Game Characters and Transmedia Storytelling : The Dynamic Game Character
(Amsterdam University Press, 30.10.2023)
bookCharacters are a vital aspect of today’s transmedia practices. Combining theories on fictional persons from Japanese and Euro-American practices, this book discusses video game characters embedded in our popular media ... -
Video laryngoscopy in neonate and infant intubation—a systematic review and meta-analysis
reviewWe aimed to analyze the effect of video laryngoscopy on intubation success, time to intubation, and adverse events in infants and neonates. A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed, for which a neonates (age ... -
Video outperforms illustrated text : Do old explanations for the modality effect apply in a learner-paced fifth-grade classroom context?
(07 / 2023)
articleThe modality effect occurs when people learn better from a combination of pictures and narration than from a combination of pictures and written text. Despite the strong empirical results in earlier studies, the modality ... -
Vieraantumisen käsite modernissa kapitalismissa
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Vierasesineinfektiot – miten ehkäistä, tunnistaa ja hoitaa?
review -
Viestintäoikeus – vakiintunut oikeudenala?
Forum Iuris (Helsingin yliopiston oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta, 06 / 2023)
bookPart -
View upsampling optimization for mixed resolution 3D video coding
article3D video is composed out of two or more, temporally synchronized, 2D video streams acquired at different camera poses and accompanied by geometrical information. In a mixed resolution 3D video stream, a subset of views is ... -
Viewpoint - Paradigm Shift of Water Services in Finland : From Production Mentality to Service Mindset
(10 / 2015)
articleIn this article, the current management paradigm of water services in Finland is conceptualised. For this purpose, the managers of water utility in ten Finnish municipalities were interviewed. Consequently, the ways in ... -
Viewpoint : Pavlovian Materials—Functional Biomimetics Inspired by Classical Conditioning
articleHerein, it is discussed whether the complex biological concepts of (associative) learning can inspire responsive artificial materials. It is argued that classical conditioning, being one of the most elementary forms of ... -
Views of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Manufacturer Representatives around the World on CLT Practices and Its Future Outlook
(12 / 2023)
articleDue to its recent emergence, there is a limited body of global market research available on CLT. Presently, the literature lacks comprehensive understanding regarding the present state, varied uses, and future outlook of ... -
Vihreän maankorkoeron teoria: Kestävän kaupunkikehityksen investoinnit ja asuinalueiden erilaistuminen
article<p>Ajatus kestävästä kaupungista on valtava suunnitteluparadigman muutos. Viime vuosina Tampereella on investoitu suuria summia kestävään kaupunkikehitykseen. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee, miten ajatus kestävästä kaupungista ... -
Viiden tähden psykiatriaa
articleMyönteinen työkulttuuri on luonut Seinäjoen keskussairaalan psykiatrian yksiköstä vetovoimaisen työpaikan. -
Viimeinen ihminen eksistentiaalisten uhkien aikakaudella