- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Viitteet 19071-19090 / 19195
X-chromosome and kidney function : evidence from a multi-trait genetic analysis of 908,697 individuals reveals sex-specific and sex-differential findings in genes regulated by androgen response elements
articleX-chromosomal genetic variants are understudied but can yield valuable insights into sexually dimorphic human traits and diseases. We performed a sex-stratified cross-ancestry X-chromosome-wide association meta-analysis ... -
X-ray microtomography is a novel method for accurate evaluation of small-bowel mucosal morphology and surface area
articleThe often poorly orientated small-bowel mucosal biopsies taken for the diagnostics of celiac disease and other intestinal disorders are prone to misinterpretation. Furthermore, conventional histopathology has suboptimal ... -
Xenotopic expression of alternative oxidase (AOX) to study mechanisms of mitochondrial disease
articleThe mitochondrial respiratory chain or electron transport chain (ETC) facilitates redox reactions which ultimately lead to the reduction of oxygen to water (respiration). Energy released by this process is used to establish ... -
xMOOCs: A Modality for Mass Reach During the Pandemic for the World Health Organization
(Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 14.11.2023)
conferenceObjectFrom June 14 to June 16, 2023, Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, hosted the eighth European MOOC Stakeholder Summit (EMOOCs 2023). -
Xor-Masking: A Novel Statistical Method for Instruction Read Energy Reduction in Contemporary SRAM Technologies
(IEEE, 12.12.2016)
conferenceObjectPervasive computing calls for ultra-low-power devices to extend the battery life enough to enable usability in everyday life. Especially in devices involving programmable processors, the energy consumption of integrated ... -
Yard vegetation is associated with gut microbiota composition
articleGut microbes play an essential role in the development and functioning of the human immune system. A disturbed gut microbiota composition is often associated with a number of health disorders including immune-mediated ... -
Yb-doped tapered double-clad fibers with polarization maintenance for half-kW power amplifiers
articleAmplifying short pulses directly within a single fiber laser system has proven to be a challenging task, primarily due to thermally induced transverse mode instabilities and detrimental nonlinear effects. Another demanding ... -
A year acquiring and publishing drone aerial images in research on agriculture, forestry, and private urban gardens
articleDrone imaging has been shown to have increasing value in monitoring and analysing different kinds of processes related to agriculture and forestry. In long-term monitoring and observation tasks, huge amounts of image data ... -
Yhdenvertaiset vaikutusmahdollisuudet markkinayhteiskunnassa – kun demokratiaa ostetaan euroilla
articleIn this article, I will examine how the perceived acceptability and fairness of the economic system influenced the kind of measures adopted in the EU during the financial and economic crisis, and I will briefly reflect on ... -
Yhdistykset kansalaisyhteiskunnan moottoreina
(12 / 2023)
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Yhdistävä kuntajohtaja : Kuntajohtajien kompetenssit dynaamisessa ja kerrostuneesti rakentuvassa johtamisympäristössä
articleArtikkelissa tarkastellaan kuntajohtajien kompetenssia hallintasuhteiden ja yhdistävän johtajuuden käsittein. Artikkelin tavoitteena on ymmärtää paremmin kuntajohtajien kompetenssitarpeita dynaamisesti ja kerrostuneesti ... -
Yhteenkuuluvuus ja mielenterveys maahanmuuttajataustaisilla ja Suomessa syntyneillä nuorilla
articleTutkimus on osa RWS-RefugeeWellSchool projektia, jota rahoitti the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme; Apuraha No 754849. Suhteet vertaisiin solmitaan nuoruudessa usein koulumaailmassa. Koulussa ... -
Yhteinen ammatillinen toimijuus Asunto ensin -työssä TADS-prosessina
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Yhteinen sote-tieto? - Tiedon toisiokäyttö ja digitalisaation vaikutukset
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Yhteiselle tiedolle on tarvetta työpaikoilla
(03 / 2015)
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Yhteiskuntarauhan paikalliset käytännöt