- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Viitteet 14740-14759 / 19796
R-Blocks : an Energy-Efficient, Flexible, and Programmable CGRA
articleEmerging data-driven applications in the embedded, e-Health, and internet of things (IoT) domain require complex on-device signal analysis and data reduction to maximize energy efficiency on these energy-constrained devices. ... -
R2C-GAN : Restore-to-Classify Generative Adversarial Networks for blind X-ray restoration and COVID-19 classification
(12 / 2024)
articleRestoration of poor-quality medical images with a blended set of artifacts plays a vital role in a reliable diagnosis. As a pioneer study in blind X-ray restoration, we propose a joint model for generic image restoration ... -
Raajavammat yleisiä hevostapaturmissa - pään vammat vakavimpia
articleLähtökohdat : Tutkimme hevostapaturmavammoja ja niiden seurauksia Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä. Menetelmät : Tutkimus käsitti Tays Acutassa vuosina 2019–2020 hevostapaturmien seurauksena hoidetut potilaat. Tulokset : ... -
Radar Scheme With Raised Reflector for NLOS Vehicle Detection
(07 / 2022)
articleThe employment of passive reflectors enables the millimeter-wave automotive radars to detect an approaching vehicle in non-line-of-sight conditions. In this paper, the installation of such reflectors above the sidewalk at ... -
Radial structure of OAM-carrying fundamental x-waves
articleWe investigate the spectral degree of freedom of OAM-carrying localized waves and its influence on their transverse intensity distribution. In particular, we focus our attention on exponentially decaying spectra, which are ... -
Radially polarized picosecond MOPA system based on double-clad ytterbium-doped spun tapered fiber with ring-shaped active core
(SPIE, 2023)
conferenceObjectWe have demonstrated for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the successful direct amplification of a cylindrical-vector beams with axially symmetric polarization and doughnut-shaped intensity profile in picosecond ... -
Radially self-accelerating optical pulses
articleWe generalize the concept of radially self-accelerating beams to the domain of optical pulses. In particular, we show how radially self-accelerating optical pulses (RSAPs) can be constructed by suitable superpositions of ... -
Radiation dose of the eye lens in CT examinations of the brain in clinical practice : The effect of radiographer training to optimise gantry tilt and scan length
(04 / 2023)
articleLenses are always exposed to radiation in brain computed tomography (CT) scans. However, the lens dose can be reduced by excluding lens from scanning area by optimising gantry tilt and scan length. The object of this study ... -
Radiation effects on phosphate glasses : Review
reviewGlass and its properties are subject to a variety of changes under the influence of high energy radiation. Therefore, radiation-induced defects in glasses requires high attention due to the wide application of glasses in ... -
Radiation-induced accelerated aging of the brain vasculature in young adult survivors of childhood brain tumors
articleBackground: Cranial radiotherapy may damage the cerebral vasculature. The aim of this study was to understand the prevalence and risk factors of cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) in ... -
Radiation-induced defects and effects in germanate and tellurite glasses
reviewThis review focuses on the radiation-induced changes in germanate and tellurite glasses. These glasses have been of great interest due to their remarkable potential for photonics, in terms of extended transmission window ... -
Radical programmes for developing the EU residential building sectors as exemplified by Finland and the Netherlands
(Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering, 28.05.2016)
conferenceObjectThe economic recession has hit especially hard the residential building sector in the EU region, e.g., the number of the housing completions has decreased -49% and the total residential output has been squeezed down by ... -
"Radikaalista alustusta seurasi vilkas keskustelu" : Edvard Westermarck ja Rolf Lagerborg Suomen Filosofisen Yhdistyksen toisinajattelijoina
(Suomen Filosofinen Yhdistys ry., 2023)
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Radikaalit innovaatiot tuotantoteknologioissa: erilaiset prosessit erilaisille innovaatioille
(09 / 2018)
articleUusien markkinoiden luominen ja uudenlaisten tuotteiden tai ratkaisujen toimittaminen voi vaatia sitä, että tuotantoyrityksen on uudistettava tuotantojärjestelmäänsä. Osa tällaisista uudistuksista vaatii kokonaan uusia ... -
Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for Narrowband Systems, Modelling and Classification
articleDevice authentication is essential for securing Internet of things. Radio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) is an emerging technique that exploits intrinsic and unique hardware impairments as the device identifier. ... -
Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification for Security in Low-Cost IoT Devices
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (IEEE, 2021)
conferenceObjectRadio frequency fingerprint identification (RFFI) can uniquely classify wireless devices by analyzing the received signal distortions caused by the intrinsic hardware impairments. The state-of-the-art deep learning techniques ... -
Radio Positioning and Tracking of High-Speed Devices in 5G NR Networks: System Concept and Performance
European Signal Processing Conference (IEEE, 09 / 2019)
conferenceObjectThis paper addresses high-efficiency radio positioning and tracking of high-speed objects in emerging fifth generation (5G) new radio (NR) networks. Methods and system concept are described, building on network side reference ... -
Radio Signal Propagation and Attenuation Measurements for Modern Residential Buildings
IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE, 2012)
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Radio-based Sensing and Indoor Mapping with Millimeter-Wave 5G NR Signals
2020 International Conference on Localization and GNSS, ICL-GNSS 2020 - Proceedings (IEEE, 06 / 2020)
conferenceObjectThe emerging 5G New Radio (NR) networks are expected to enable huge improvements, e.g., in terms of capacity, number of connected devices, peak data rates and latency, compared to existing networks. At the same time, a new ...