- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Viitteet 13171-13190 / 19863
P-suPAR may reflect the inflammatory response after pancreatic surgery
articleBackground: Several different scoring systems have been developed to predict post-pancreatectomy complications. Currently used inflammatory markers are of only limited value in predicting complications after pancreatic ... -
P2Y1 agonist HIC in combination with androgen receptor inhibitor abiraterone acetate impairs cell growth of prostate cancer
(02 / 2022)
articleP2Y receptors belong to the large superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors and play a crucial role in cell death and survival. P2Y1 receptor has been identified as a marker for prostate cancer (PCa). A previously unveiled ... -
Paavo Arni (1905–1969) akustikkona
Akustiikkapäivät (Akustinen seura, 10 / 2019)
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Packaged Enterprise System Customization : A Systematic Literature Review
(Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 01 / 2021)
conferenceObjectA packaged enterprise system (PES) is an Enterprise System (ES) software package that is built with certain assumptions about the business processes. It is offered to the business with an implemented and predefined set of ... -
Packaging OECD policy advice : universal policy models and domestication of recommendations
articleThe dynamics between international organisations’ activity of scriptwriting universalised models and theorising the local effects of such models has been a little studied aspect of world society research. In this paper, ... -
Packet level performance assessment of mmWave backhauling technology for 3GPP NR Systems
articleRecently standardized millimeter-wave (mmWave) band 3GPP New Radio systems are expected to bring extraordinary rates to the air interface efficiently providing commercial-grade enhanced mobile broadband services in hotspot ... -
Paediatric asthma hospitalisations continue to decrease in Finland and Sweden between 2015 and 2020
(03 / 2023)
articleWe previously reported a decreasing incidence of paediatric asthma hospitalisations in Finland, but a rather stable trend in Sweden, between 2005 and 2014. We now aimed to investigate the incidence of paediatric asthma ... -
Paediatric traumatic brain injury and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication in Finland : a nationwide register-based cohort study
articleBackground The association between paediatric traumatic brain injury (pTBI) and post-traumatic attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) medication usage remains understudied subject. Objective We aimed to evaluate ... -
Pahasta hyvään demokratiaan : Demokratia kapitalististen yhteiskuntien historian osatekijänä
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Pahoinvoivia nuoria, lisää työtehtäviä ja huono palkka : Alanvaihdon harkinta ja syyt 2020-luvun nuorisotyössä
articleTarkastelen nuorisotyöntekijöiden suhtautumistaalanvaihtamiseen Suomessa 2020-luvulla heille tehdyn kyselytutkimuksen valossa. Kyselyaineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnän työurien kaaosteoriaa, joka auttaa tulkitsemaan ... -
Pahoissa paikoissa: 1600-luvun suomalaisten painajaiset tilallisina kokemuksina
article<p>Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan varhaismodernin ajan ja tarkemmin sanoen 1600-luvulla eläneiden suomalaisten painajaisunien tilallisia ulottuvuuksia eli kuvauksia tiloista, joihin unien tapahtumat sijoittuivat. ... -
Paikastaan siirretyt: Kotipaikan menettäminen ja uuteen kiinnittyminen gentrifikaatioprosessissa
Sosiaalityön tutkimuksen vuosikirja (JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO, 2023)
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Pain modulates early sensory brain responses to task-irrelevant emotional faces
(07 / 2023)
articleBackground: Pain can have a significant impact on an individual's life, as it has both cognitive and affective consequences. However, our understanding of how pain affects social cognition is limited. Previous studies have ... -
Pain-coping scale for children and their parents : a cross-sectional study in children with musculoskeletal pain
articleBackground: In a chronic pain-causing disease such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the quality of coping with pain is crucial. Parents have a substantial influence on their children’s pain-coping strategies. This study ...