- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan TUNICRIS-julkaisut
Viitteet 10054-10073 / 19879
L/F-CIPS : Collaborative Indoor Positioning for Smartphones With Lateration and Fingerprinting
articleThe demand for indoor location-based services (LBS) and the wide availability of mobile devices have triggered research into new positioning systems able to provide accurate indoor positions using smartphones. However, ... -
L1-norm vs. L2-norm fitting in optimizing focal multi-channel tES stimulation : linear and semidefinite programming vs. weighted least squares
(11 / 2022)
articleBackground and Objective: This study focuses on Multi-Channel Transcranial Electrical Stimulation, a non-invasive brain method for stimulating neuronal activity under the influence of low-intensity currents. We introduce ... -
L1-Regression for Multivariate Clustered Data
(Springer, 2015)
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L1000 viewer : A search engine and Web interface for the LINCS data repository
articleThe LINCS L1000 data repository contains almost two million gene expression profiles for thousands of small molecules and drugs. However, due to the complexity and the size of the data repository and a lack of an interoperable ... -
Laadullinen tutkimus seisoo omilla jaloillaan
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Laaja myyräkuume-epidemia Sallan rintamalla vuonna 1942
reviewJatkosodan aikana vuonna 1942 Lapissa Sallan rintamalla esiintyi sekä suomalaisissa että saksalaisissa sotilasjoukoissa laaja epidemia, jossa kliininen taudinkuva oli samanlainen, jonka ruotsalaiset tutkijat olivat kuvanneet ... -
Laatukriteerit kolposkopiatoiminnan kehittämisen tukena : esimerkkinä PSHP
articleLähtökohdat : Kolposkopia on luonteeltaan subjektiivinen ja dynaaminen tutkimus, jonka laadukkaasta toteutuksesta on annettu ohjeita kansallisessa Käypä hoito -suosituksessa sekä eurooppalaisessa laatukriteeristössä. ... -
Label-free Estimation of Sarcomere Orientation from Brightfield Microscopy Images of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocyte Nuclei
(IEEE, 2022)
conferenceObjectHuman induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) provide a platform for studying disease models and physiological conditions. Sarcomere structure orientation can be used to determine hiPSC-CM culture ... -
Labor induction at 41+0 gestational weeks or expectant management for the nulliparous woman : The Finnish randomized controlled multicenter trial
(03 / 2024)
articleINTRODUCTION: Neonatal and maternal risks increase in term pregnancy as gestational age advances and become increasingly evident post-term. Management practices of late- and post-term pregnancies vary, and the optimal time ... -
Laboratory Test Results in Patients with Workplace Moisture Damage Associated Symptoms : The SAMDAW Study
articleThe mechanisms of health effects of moisture damage (MD) are unclear, but inflammatory responses have been suspected. The usefulness of laboratory and allergy tests among patients in secondary healthcare with symptoms ... -
Laboratory tests and modelling of mineral wool insulated steel sandwich panels
conferenceObjectThis study presents results from laboratory measurements of mineral wool insulated steel sandwich panels. The purpose of the work was to have a better understanding on the heat and moisture conditions inside sandwich panels ... -
Labour analgesia by single shot spinal for any parturient?—A retrospective one-year single centre audit
articleBackground: Single shot spinal (SSS) provides effective analgesia for multiparous parturients during advanced labour. Its utility in early labour or primiparous parturients may be limited by the insufficient duration of ... -
Lack of Associations between Environmental Exposures and Environmental Enteric Dysfunction among 18-Month-Old Children in Rural Malawi
articleEnvironmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is common and contributes to linear growth faltering (stunting) and mortality among children in low-resource settings. A few studies on the environmental causes of EED have been ... -
Lack of detectable HPV18 antibodies in 14% of quadrivalent vaccinees in a longitudinal cohort study
articleAlthough HPV vaccines are highly efficacious, a notable proportion of quadrivalent vaccinees are HPV18 seronegative post-vaccination. We have investigated this findings’ validity by comparing vaccine-induced antibody ... -
Lack of Human Resources Leads to Breaches in Information Management Processes
(IOS Press, 2022)
conferenceObjectEffective information management promotes safe patient care. Lack of human resources can cause failures when managing patient information. The aim of this study was to analyse the nature of reported patient safety incidents ... -
Lage und Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses : Eine Stellungnahme des Beirats des Wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses (WiN) der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e. V.)
articleThe Advisory Board for Junior Scientific Staff (WiN) of the German Informatics Society (GI) calls for and recommends measures to improve the situation of doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers in computer science ... -
Lajityypit ylittävä laatu televisio-ohjelmissa : TV-alan tekijöiden näkemyksiä laatukriteereistä
articleArtikkelin tavoitteena on kuvata televisioalan tekijöiden näkemyksiä laatukriteereistä sekä sitä, millaisia lajityypit ylittäviä laatukriteereitä löytyy audiovisuaalisella alalla. Aineisto on koottu Yhdysvalloissa ja ... -
Lake and mire isolation data set for the estimation of post-glacial land uplift in Fennoscandia
articlePostglacial land uplift is a complex process related to the continental ice retreat that took place about 10 000 years ago and thus started the viscoelastic response of the Earth's crust to rebound back to its equilibrium ...