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Viitteet 19271-19290 / 19293
Übung macht den/die Meister*in
(Peter Lang, 27.02.2023)
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Бесприставочные неоглаголы 2000–2020 гг. с суффиксами -ова(ть), -ева(ть), -изова(ть), -ирова(ть), -изирова(ть)
(Nacional`ny`j issledovatel`skij Nizhegorodskij gosudarstvenny`j universitet, 2023)
conferenceObjectThis article deals with prefixless verbs with suffixes -ova(t’) (orth. also -eva(t’)), -izova(t’), -irova(t’), -izirova(t’), -izirova(t’) (66 units), which appeared in the Russian language in 2000–2020. The relevance of ... -
В поисках метода: исследования В.В. Колесова в области исторической лексикологии русского языка
(Vladimir's State University, 2022)
bookPartThe article examines the development and formation of V.V. Kolesov's linguistic ideas in the field of Russian historical lexicology on a broad historiological and specific linguistic background. The search for his research ... -
Взаимодействие в поликультурных классах Финляндии
(Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, 2022)
conferenceObjectThe article examines some aspects actualized in the Finnish school pedagogical system due to a significant increase in the number of migrant children. It took a rethinking of theoretical positions of pedagogy and the ... -
Дискурсивный комплекс И ДА как диалоговый актуализатор в современной русской речи
(09 / 2024)
articleThe article examines semantic and pragmatic features of the discursive complex i da (“and yes”). The relevance of the research is explained by the active inclusion of i da in contemporary speech practice, various genres ... -
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Женщина и время (женские эготексты XXвека)
articleThe article aims to give an overview of women’s ego–narratives from the twen-tieth century while demonstrating how the personal experience of living in dif-ferent periods of the last century was recorded (re-written) and ... -
Жизненные циклы суффикса -ость- в русском языке (перечитывая Н. М. Шанского)
articleAbstract. The research summarises the general framework of N. M. Shansky’s PhD thesis which initiated a range of historical lexicological and synchronic linguistic studies. The paper provides arguments and examples showing ... -
Кто я? (Личное имя как инструмент самоидентификации русскоязычных детей-билингвов)
articleThis article presents the results of a sociolinguistic electronic survey conducted in 2017–2019 in Finland. The purpose was to reveal the attitude of children towards their names in bilingual and polylingual families living ... -
Лексико-семантические и словообразовательные особенности наименований лиц в период пандемии коронавируса
(01 / 2021)
articleThis article reviews the new lexical material related to the coronavirus pandemic. The empirical material was collected in the electronic database Integrum. The subject of the collected material are names of persons which ... -
Лингвокультурологический подход к преподаванию русского языка в финляндском университете
articleThe article describes the experience of teaching Russian language and culture at the University of Finland. In particular, methodological techniques from the field of linguistics related to the study and comparison of ... -
articleAbstract. Since the late 1990s, a number of new and actualized words and stable word combinations with the word war in their structure have appeared in Russian speaking mass media due to significant changes in the theory ... -
(Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University, 07.10.2024)
conferenceObjectAbstract. The goal of the article is to study the English prototypical constructions “and yes/yeah, and no” and their translations in some European languages, to confirm the hypothesis about their calquing and recognition ... -
Особенности организации курса «Управление терминологией» для студентов магистерской программы по межъязыковой коммуникации и переводу
(РУСАЙНС, 2021)
conferenceObjectCompetences related to terminology work and terminology management play an important role in translators’ training. In this paper, we share our experience of organising an advanced course “Terminology Management” within ... -
(Nacional`ny`j issledovatel`skij Nizhegorodskij gosudarstvenny`j universitet, 2022)
conferenceObjectThe aim of this article is to describe substantives derived from toponyms on -izaziya (-ization). The authors identify the range of this vocabulary (more than 130 lexems) and verbs correlated with these nouns, give its ... -
Проблемы составления тематического словаря медицинской лексики для целей социального перевода
(Одинцовский филиал МГИМО МИД России, 2020)
conferenceObjectIn this article, we discuss information needs of community interpreters working in the healthcare sector, as well as information needs of students studying medical interpretation. We describe the principles of compilation ... -
Смузимания: адаптация новых заимствований в современном русском языке
articleThe new borrowing smoothie/smoothy from English is considered in the article. The collected corpus of derivatives and spelling variants is about 200 units. The word smoothie/smoothy is fixed in English is 1977, in Russian ... -
Суффиксы -ова-, -ева-, -изова-, -ирова-, -изирова- в глагольной неологизации 2000–2020 гг.
articleThe paper is devoted to the study of the processes of verbal neologization from 2000 to 2020. The material is non-prepositional verbs with suffixes -ова-, -ева-, -ирова-, -изова-, and -изирова-. The main material is taken ... -
Устойчивые сочетания с компонентом война в современном медиадискурсе
articleSince the late 1990s, set nominal phrases (usually consisting of two words, hereinafter referred to as SNPs) having the word war in their structure and denoting types of interstate conflicts have significantly enriched ...