"nanoparticles" - Selaus asiasanan mukaan Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
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Directed Energy Deposition of AA7075
DiplomityöDirected energy deposition (DED) is an additive manufacturing technique which is commonly used to produce high dimension components, made from steels, titanium, aluminum and nickel alloys, in a short period of time. In ... -
Engineered STING-Agonist gold polymeric nanocarrier for cancer immunotherapy
Diplomityö -
Water Vapor Barrier Studies Of Cellophane Films
DiplomityöSustainable and biodegradable food packaging films are a popular topic of research due to the large amounts of plastics being produced each year. Cellophane films are made from naturally occurring cellulose, which makes ...