"Tuotantotalouden DI-ohjelma - Degree Programme in Industrial Engineering and Management" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
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Circular Economy Center: Creating a General Concept for Circular Economy Constitutions
DiplomityöThe existing linear economy model has proven to be unsustainable for Earth’s flora and fauna. To overcome the challenges related to economic growth and sustainability, circular economy (CE) has emerged. In CE, different ... -
Effect of Macroeconomic Announcements on Volatility Index
DiplomityöMacroeconomic announcements are important indicators about the current and future state of the economy. They have tendency to move stock markets due to their informational content and therefore, they are followed closely ... -
Investor communities: factors affecting community evolution
Diplomityö -
Älykkään kuivanapitolämmityksen kaupallistamispolut
DiplomityöTämä diplomityö tehtiin osana Tampereen yliopiston ja Business Finlandin rahoittamaa Safeheat älykäs kuivanapitolämmitys -hanketta. Hankkeen tarkoituksena on tuoda markkinoille tyhjillään tai osittain tyhjillään oleville ...