"Materials Engineering" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
Viitteet 1-7 / 7
Best Practices to Analyze Failed Pressure Components From Power Boilers, Identify Failure Root Causes, and Assess Fixing and Preventive Actions
DiplomityöCirculating fluidized bed boilers which provide heating and/or power have proven their importance over the years and became very popular and economical energy supply facilities for today`s world. Their life time and ... -
Elastomeerin ja polymeerin välinen tartunta
DiplomityöRenkaat vaikuttavat oleellisesti ajoneuvon turvallisuuteen ja suorituskykyyn, mutta niiden perusrakenne on pysynyt pitkään lähes muuttumattomana ja renkaita pidetään edelleen usein puhtaasti mekaanisina auton osina. ... -
Field installation improvements through product development
DiplomityöWeather station is the basic unit deployed when information of weather and the atmosphere is required. Numerous everyday functions are affected by weather. The measurement capability is only realised when the station is ... -
High kappa refining and its effect on drainability and the technical properties of paper
DiplomityöHigh kappa pulp is used for the production of kraftliner. The high kappa pulp has also a high lignin content where the kappa number is between 80 and 100. At high kappa, rigid fibers are obtained to achieve that brings ... -
Laser method for dimensional measurement in projectile production
DiplomityöLaser measurement technology is high-speed and flexible nondestructive testing method. Dimensional laser measurement is studied in this master’s thesis. Laser triangulation is laser measurement technology which can be used ... -
Painevalettavien erikoisalumiiniseosten ominaisuudet
DiplomityöPainevalettuja alumiinikomponentteja käytetään paljon erilaisissa jäähdytyselementeissä ja elektroniikan koteloissa. Elektroniikan kehittyminen ja lisääntyvä tietoliikenne kasvattaa kuitenkin paremmin lämpöä poistavien ... -
Sustainable Reinforcement Yarn for Tapes
DiplomityöThis thesis aims to increase the sustainability of reinforcement tape used in corrugated board packages. As sustainability is of high consideration in the corrugated packaging industry, developing the non-renewable resources ...