- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto (Limited access)
Viitteet 3144-3163 / 3252
Warfarin pharmacogenes modify the risk association between warfarin use and cancer mortality
Syventävä työ -
Waste Heat Recovery from an Electric Melting Furnace
DiplomityöThe use of an electric melting furnace is one of the methods for producing rock melt for the manufacturing of mineral wool. Due to the high electrical power and temperature involved in the melting, the electric melting ... -
Wastewater treatment with Zero Liquid Discharge: Optimizing the energy consumption
DiplomityöFresh water shortages and the increased regulations to protect water bodies and natural ecosystems have created a need to reduce the discharging of wastewater and to improve the water reuse. To achieve a closed water cycle ... -
Water Vapor Barrier Studies Of Cellophane Films
DiplomityöSustainable and biodegradable food packaging films are a popular topic of research due to the large amounts of plastics being produced each year. Cellophane films are made from naturally occurring cellulose, which makes ... -
Water-soluble synthetic biocompatible polymer support for a neural deep probe
DiplomityöThe objective of this thesis is to search one or several biocompatible, water-soluble polymeric materials using as support for a neural deep probe which has been manufac-tured by the Center of Microelectronics in Provence ... -
WC-Co hard metal inserts : Wear testing procedures
Diplomityö -
WCS – alijärjestelmä kommunikointi / Alijärjestelmän integ-roiminen WCS-ohjelmistoon
DiplomityöTyön tarkoituksena oli saada aikaan järjestelmäintegraatio kahden eri yrityksen olemas-sa olevien järjestelmien välille. Tämä ongelma muodostui ratkaistavaksi yritysoston myötä, jonka jälkeisessä projektissa ko. yritykset ... -
Wear and friction of wear pad materials
DiplomityöThe main objective of this thesis was to improve the performance of a wear pad by find- ing a better material for the pad. Three attributes were identified as the leading features that contribute the most on wear pad ... -
Web Application Accessibility with Artificial Intelligence
DiplomityöWeb accessibility is a hot topic driven by social inclusion that has brought the requirement of making content accessible to all users. It is estimated that one billion people worldwide have various disabilities that require ... -
Web-, natiivi- ja hybrid-teknologiat mobiilisovellusten kehityksessä
Diplomityö -
Web-based visualization of an agile robot cell
Diplomityö -
WEB-käyttöliittymän regressiotestauksen automatisointi
Diplomityö -
Web-pohjaisen tuotannonohjausjärjestelmän suunnittelu ja toteutus
Diplomityö -
Welded Structural Steels for Arctic Applications
DiplomityöThis study explores the challenges and solutions associated with designing welded steel structures for Arctic applications. The Arctic environment, characterized by extreme cold and unpredictable weather conditions, presents ... -
Wellbeing: Designing a gamified application to motivate a better sitting posture.
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
"Wer sich bewegt, bewegt Europa!" - Wie die Erasmus-Mobilität Studierende verändert
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Wet etching of dilute nitride and antimonide semiconductors for solar cells
DiplomityöIn semiconductor solar cell fabrication the device terminals are electrically isolated by etching the mesa structure. The mesa etching is a crucial step, since poor mesa sidewalls may lead to a significant device malfunction ... -
When crisis hits, will we break?: Crisis journalism and framing of terrorist attacks in The Guardian and The Sun
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this thesis was to identify the various frames that were constructed in two different British newspapers relating to the framing of two different terrorist attacks. The attacks were the November 2015 attack ... -
Where does Finland fit in China’s Belt and Road initiative? A media content analysis of Finnish and Chinese online news coverage
Pro gradu -tutkielmaChina’s “The Belt and Road Initiative” (B&R) has become a hot topic in the media arena worldwide. As a research topic, it is noticeable that Chinese and English scholars have diverse understandings of what B&R is, and its ... -
Whistleblower-ilmoituskanavan implementoiminen
Pro gradu -tutkielma