"Automaatiotekniikan DI-ohjelma - Master's Programme in Automation Engineering" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto
Viitteet 1-20 / 172
3D layout design for automation systems in proposal sales phase
DiplomityöThree-dimensional (3D) software models are becoming more mainstream as deliverables. A demand for 3D solution layouts for automation systems in manufacturing has existed for a while now. Solution layouts are created in ... -
3D object detection using lidar point clouds and 2D image object detection
Diplomityö -
3D Perception System Design for Heavy-Duty Field Robots
DiplomityöAutonomous driving and mobile robotics are achieving significant milestones, and perception systems are in an essential role for their versatile data and various applications. The objectives of this thesis were to find out ... -
A case study on improving the software testing process
DiplomityöSoftware testing is a critical part of the software development process that ensures the quality, accuracy, and safety of software and builds trust between the user and the software. Testing is particularly essential in ... -
A Low-Cost Fatigue Tester for Maker Spaces
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe fatigue testing machines (FTMs) commonly available in the market can cost upwards of a hundred thousand euros and require a pneumatic or hydraulic power supply. The pricetag and infrastructural needs of such devices ... -
Accuracy Evaluation of Methods for Pose Estimation from Fiducial Markers
DiplomityöEstimating the pose from fiducial markers is a widely researched topic with practical importance for computer vision, robotics and photogrammetry. The real-world use cases can be synthetically replicated and it is easy to ... -
Aircraft Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning in Real-time Simulations
DiplomityöIn this thesis, reinforcement learning (RL) with deep neural networks is applied to controlling a simulated aircraft. The aim for the control is to maneuver the aircraft to a given target while minimizing input changes, ... -
An approach for mature software testing in industrial systems
DiplomityöThe role of software in industrial systems is constantly increasing: there is more software, the complexity of the software increases and there are more dependencies between different software. As the role of software ... -
An Excavator Positioning Calibration Method
DiplomityöIn this thesis, a calibration method is developed for calibrating a GNSS positioning system used for localization of an excavator with a machine guidance system. The machine guidance system is used to measure the position ... -
Analysis of ISO 27001 and IEC 62443-2-1 security management system commonalities and tool to support implementations
DiplomityöThe objective of this master’s thesis is to identify similarities in the requirements of IEC 62443-2-1 and ISO 27001 standards. These similarities can potentially be used when developing a cyber security management system ... -
Analysis of overall bow phenomenon in glass heat treatment process
DiplomityöOverall bow is one of the measured quantities of heat treated glass. Overall bow phenomenon causes optical quality flaws to the glass and can in certain situations affect the usability and safety of a heat treated glass ... -
Apatiitin hienovaahdotuksen rikastepitoisuuden estimointi
DiplomityöTyössä tutkitaan dataan perustuvien koneoppivien menetelmien soveltuvuutta apatiitin hienovaahdotusprosessista saatavan rikasteen pitoisuuden mallinnukseen. Tavoite on selvittää erilaisten mallien toimivuutta oikealla ... -
Applying Event Sourcing to Occasionally Connected Systems
DiplomityöAs an information storing technique, event sourcing provides some useful properties over more traditional techniques. There is value for both application developers and end-users to be able to inspect the whole history of ... -
Architecture of Industrial Device Interfaces
DiplomityöDevice interfaces are needed when a system needs to communicate with devices, which aren’t directly compatible with the system. The interface is used to translate the data passing from the system to the device to make ... -
Automaatio-omaisuuden hallinta voimalaitoksella
DiplomityöVoimalaitoksen käyttöikä on yleensä huomattavasti automaatiojärjestelmiä pidempi. Tämän vuoksi automaatiojärjestelmiä joudutaan uusimaan osittain tai kokonaan useampia kertoja laitoksen käyttöiän aikana. Jotta nämä ... -
Automaatiojärjestelmän modernisoinnin syyt, tekniikat ja suunnittelu
DiplomityöAutomaatiolta vaaditaan luotettavuutta ja kestävyyttä. Tämä johtaa teollisuudessa usein teknologian innovaatioiden hidastumiseen ja suunnitteluvalinnoissa tuttujen ja turvallisten ratkaisujen suosimiseen, ja ennen pitkää ... -
Automated Software Testing of Ventilation Equipment
DiplomityöIn product development, testing is a vital process to ensure the product’s quality. Testing takes a lot of time and resources to be effective. Usually, these are all repetitive tasks and are prone to mistakes. Automation ... -
Automating Industrial Communication Standards selection by using a Knowledge-based systems
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe Internet has extended to yet another different area result in lower electrical expenses, greater computer capabilities, and breakthroughs in sensing devices. And thus, more intelligent devices would be exposed to the ...