"Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta - Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering" - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto

    • 2.4 GHz Inkjet-printed RF Power Harvester on Bulk Cardboard Substrate 

      Khonsari, Zahra (2014)
      Inkjet-Printing Technology provides the ability of fabricating electronic circuits on different substrates such as: cardboard, wood, kapton and etc. The advantages of this technology are reduction in production cost in ...
    • 30 Ghz RF-DAC Based I/Q Modulator 

      Ahmad, Salman (2016)
      For massive MIMO systems, large number of antennas and transmitter chains are considered. This huge and complex circuitry consume lot of power. For saving the power, the modulator and DAC can be integrated in to one. ...
    • 360-Degree Panoramic Video Coding 

      Ghaznavi Youvalari, Ramin (2016)
      Virtual reality (VR) creates an immersive experience of real world in virtual environment through computer interface. Due to the technological advancements in recent years, VR technology is growing very fast and as a result ...
    • 360-videoiden katselustatistiikan visualisointi 

      Heino, Pietari (2018)
      360-videot ovat yleistymässä virtuaalitodellisuuden erilaisten sovellusten kanssa kovaa vauhtia. 360-videot ovat uusi, moderni mediamuoto, jossa video on kuvattu tietystä pisteestä jokaiseen suuntaan kuin pallon keskipisteestä ...
    • 3D Alignment of Projections in Electron Tomography 

      Tang, Qi (2016)
      The goal of this thesis is to analyze the effect of projection angle errors on reconstructing 3D electron tomography. Noise, missing wedge and miss alignment are three main problems in electron tomography. This thesis ...
    • 3D graphics platforms and tools for mobile applications 

      Guo, Yu (2014)
      The objective of the thesis is the investigation of mobile 3D graphics platforms and tools. This is important topic since 3D graphics is increasingly used in mobile devices. In the thesis platforms and tools specific for ...
    • 3D Mesh Simplification Techniques for Enhanced Image Based Rendering 

      Naik, Deepa (2017)
      Three dimensional videos and virtual reality applications are gaining wide range of popularity in recent years. Virtual reality creates the feeling of 'being there' and provides more realistic experience than conventional ...
    • 3d Printing Of A Personalized Dosage Form 

      Virtanen, Valtteri Topias (2018)
      The purpose of this thesis was to study the possibilities of 3D printing of a personalized dosage form from biocompatible and biodegradable PLA (polylactic acid) polymer. In this thesis multiple sets of capsules with ...
    • 3D-käyttöliittymäkomponenttikirjaston toteuttaminen web-tekniikoilla 

      Mattila, Anna-Liisa (2012)
      Interaktiivisten kolmiulotteisten (3D) web-sovellusten kehittäminen on nykyään mahdollista, mutta ei kuitenkaan yksinkertaista. Interaktiivisten 3D-sovellusten toteutustekniikat ovat abstraktiotasoltaan matalalla verrattuna ...
    • 3D-maailman kameran ohjaaminen kasvojen paikannuksen avulla 

      Lamminsaari, Tomi Petteri (2012)
      Eleiden hyödyntäminen sovellusten käyttöliittymissä on yleistynyt viime vuosina kosketusnäyttöjen ansiosta. Pelikonsoleille on jo usean vuoden ajan ollut tarjolla peliohjaimia, joita ohjataan painikkeiden lisäksi peliohjainta ...
    • 3D-tulostetun fantomin suunnittelu ja testaus sydämen ultraäänikuvauksessa 

      Koivikko, Anastasia (2017)
      Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia kolmiulotteisen (3D) tulostuksen sopivuutta ultraäänikuvauksen (UÄ) fantomien valmistukseen. Työssä 3D-tulostettiin sydämen malli polylaktidista (PLA). Anatomisen fantomin ei olisi tarkoitus ...
    • 48V battery management unit 

      Zhang, Peng (2014)
      Battery management system design and application are the most important issues in power application unit. In dynamic system, a set of battery pack comprised with multi-ple cells are used to provide a required output voltage, ...
    • 48V Super Cap Power Management Unit 

      Kabir, Md.Khyrul (2014)
      Power management unit is one of the major parts in energy storage sector. Dynamic power management unit is comprised of multiple super capacitor cell connected in series. Desired output voltage mainly depends on performance ...
    • A Compiler Framework for a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array 

      Valderas Rodríguez, Leticia Trinidad (2015)
      The number of transistors on a chip is increasing with time giving rise to multiple design challenges. In this context, reconfigurable architectures have emerged to provide high flexibility, less power/energy consumption ...
    • A design framework for attendance tracking systems 

      Vadim, Korsakov (2014)
      An attendance tracking system is a software-hardware based design that is used for counting the number of people who pass through its sensor for a limited period of time. Visitors are usually divided into two classes: ...
    • A Digital Campus in 2030: The Case of Three Merging Higher Education Institutions in Tampere 

      Teini, Jussi-Pekka (2016)
      Digitalization is one of the most central megatrends currently altering our society. In the last decades higher education has not, however, transformed in proportion with the possibilities digitalization has to offer. The ...
    • A Generic Approach for Designing Multi-Sensor 3D Video Capture Systems 

      Karaoglu, Ali (2011)
      The increased availability of 3D devices on the market raises the interest in 3D technologies. A lot of research is going on to advance the current 3D technology and integrate it into market products. Video gaming, displays, ...
    • A Language-Independent Agent Architecture 

      Muhametsin, Stanislav (2011)
      In a software environment composed of multiple collaborating applications, an agent architecture is a suitable option for an integration architecture. The reason for this is that functionality requiring many applications ...
    • A new approach for collecting data in Wireless Sensor Network 

      Nguyen, Le Trung (2015)
      The aim of the thesis is to propose a new way for collecting distributed data in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which can overcome the drawbacks existed in modern Wireless Sensor Network systems. The short lifetime and large ...
    • A personalized hybrid music recommender based on empirical estimation of user-timbre preference 

      Zhao, Shuyang (2014)
      Automatic recommendation system as a subject of machine learning has been undergoing a rapid development in the recent decade along with the trend of big data. Particularly, music recommendation is a highlighted topic ...