"Tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekunta" - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto
Viitteet 1-20 / 85
Ajoneuvokäytön polttokennoteholähteen hybridisointi – teoreettinen ja kokeellinen tarkastelu
DiplomityöThe thesis focuses on hybridization of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) system with lead-acid batteries and supercapacitors. Advantages of fuel cell technology can be utilized more efficiently by fuel cell ... -
Application of Power Electronics in Hybrid Fuel Cell Powertrains
DiplomityöGrowing environmental concerns have led to a huge interest in renewable energy sources. Fuel cells have the potential to be one of these sources. They are very well suited for automotive and working machine applications, ... -
Applications of horizontal communication in industrial power networks
DiplomityöThe amount of information generated in substation automation systems has grown exponentially since the introduction of Intelligent Electrical Devices (IED). Until recent years substation communication between IEDs was ... -
Askeltava suoritus hajautetussa ympäristössä
DiplomityöViestinvälitykseen perustuvissa järjestelmissä on usein haasteena kehittää mekanismit proseduraalisten suorituspolkujen luomiseksi. Viestinvälityksen asynkronisuus ei suoraan salli tällaista, vaan tarvitaan erillinen ... -
Challenges in Extensive Cabling of the Rural Area Networks and Protection in Mixed Networks
DiplomityöDespite of the careful building and maintenance of the electricity network, faults like short-circuit and earth-faults take place from time to time. Majority of the faults customers experience in low voltage networks are ... -
Challenges in Scaling Agile Software Development
DiplomityöMany challenges arise when agile software development methods are being used on larger scale. This thesis consists of two parts. First the thesis will go through the traditional software development processes and compare ... -
Cobol-ohjelmistojen siirrettävyydestä
DiplomityöOhjelmistojen siirrettävyys on erityisen tärkeää pitkän elinkaaren omaavien ohjelmistojen toteutuksessa. Siirrettävyys varmistaa ohjelmiston käyttökelpoisuuden laitteiden, käyttöjärjestelmien, varusohjelmistojen ja ... -
Comparison of Picocell and DAS Configuration with HSPA Evolution
DiplomityöAs demand of mobile data services has grown exponentially, it has increased pressure on mobile operators to enhance capacity in dense urban areas. Usage of internet and services related to mobile network has grown up. UMTS ... -
Compiler Implementation for a New Embedded Processor
DiplomityöThe department of computer systems in Tampere University of Technology has created an embedded RISC processor, COFFEE, to be used as part of System-on-Chips (SoC). These SoCs include all the hardware a device needs in a ... -
Computer Vision Aided Print Pattern Generation in Inkjet Printed Electronics
DiplomityöInkjet printed electronics is one of the new promising electronics manufacturing techniques out there. It has become a widely adopted manufacturing method especially in the field of low-cost electronics. This thesis considers ... -
Delay Trackers for Galileo CBOC Modulated Signals and Their Simulink-based Implementations
DiplomityöGalileo will be the future European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), which is going to provide high availability, increased accuracy and various location services. This new satellite system proposes the use of ... -
Design and Implementation of an Agent-Based Architecture for a Process Support System
DiplomityöTool integration is an important aspect of software development process support. In such systems it should be possible to integrate tools flexibly and incrementally. In addition, for performance and usability reasons, it ... -
Design of an Architectural Model for the Coffee Processor Using ArchC
DiplomityöThe present work is aimed to provide the clearest description possible of the COFFEE RISC core model written through the ArchC software and simulate its behaviour. In this sense, we explore the software applications used ... -
Development of a Novel High Resolution Optical Neuroimaging Method
DiplomityöThe purpose of this thesis was to develop new high resolution neuroimaging method, which allows detection of neuronal activity from neuronal tissue samples in laboratory conditions. Neuroimaging methods utilizing high ... -
Digital Transmitter I/Q Calibration: Algorithms and Real-Time Prototype Implementation
DiplomityöNowadays, the direct-conversion and the low-IF transceiver principles are seen as the most promising architectures for future flexible radios. Both architectures employ complex I/Q mixing for up- and downconversion. ... -
Distributed Discrete Time Network Simulator
DiplomityöThe Discrete Time Network Simulator (DTNS) is a System-on-Chip (SoC) simulator developed at Tampere University of Technology. It is used to analyze interconnection architectures and systems built around them. The abstraction ... -
Dokumentinhallintajärjestelmän käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu
DiplomityöYrityksen dokumentinhallintaan käytetään erilaisia järjestelmiä yksinkertaisista jaetuista verkkolevyistä globaalisti hajautettuihin tietokantapohjaisiin järjestelmiin. Dokumentinhallintajärjestelmää ei vaihdeta usein, ... -
DSP Based Transmitter I/Q Imbalance Calibration: Implementation and Performance Measurements
DiplomityöThe recent interest in I/Q signal processing based transceivers has resulted in a new domain of research in flexible, low-power, and low-cost radio architectures. The main advantage of complex or I/Q up- and downconversion ... -
Elastomeerien sähkönjohtavuus
DiplomityöTämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää elastomeerien sähkönjohtavuutta sekä siihen liittyviä sähköisiä, mekaanisia ja fysikaalisia ilmiöitä ja ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi työssä tutkittiin erilaisia elastomeerejä, niissä ... -
Energiatehokkuuden parantaminen
DiplomityöTämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut selvittää energiatehokkuuden parantamiseen liittyviä prosesseja ja keinoja. Perusteet energiatehokkuuden parantamiselle antaa energiakustannusten nousu sekä kansainväliset päästörajoitukset. ...