- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto

    • 360-videoiden katselustatistiikan visualisointi 

      Heino, Pietari (2018)
      360-videot ovat yleistymässä virtuaalitodellisuuden erilaisten sovellusten kanssa kovaa vauhtia. 360-videot ovat uusi, moderni mediamuoto, jossa video on kuvattu tietystä pisteestä jokaiseen suuntaan kuin pallon keskipisteestä ...
    • 360°-kuvauksen hyödyntäminen rakennustuotannon ohjauksessa 

      Kekki, Niina-Maija (2023)
      Rakennusalan tuottavuuden kasvu ei ole pysynyt muiden toimialojen kasvuvauhdissa viime vuosikymmeninä. Toimialan digitalisaatioasteen ja tuottavuuden välillä voidaan havaita positiivista korrelaatiota, mutta rakennusala ...
    • 3D Alignment of Projections in Electron Tomography 

      Tang, Qi (2016)
      The goal of this thesis is to analyze the effect of projection angle errors on reconstructing 3D electron tomography. Noise, missing wedge and miss alignment are three main problems in electron tomography. This thesis ...
    • 3D Bioprinting of Human Cornea Mimicking Structures with Stroma and Epithelium 

      Huhtanen, Suvi (2024)
      There is an immense need for corneal transplants to restore vision after injury or disease. Due to the shortage of donor corneas, three dimensional (3D) bioprinting has emerged as a possible solution to create cornea ...
    • 3D city model validation using GNSS signals 

      Grabowska, Celina (2020)
      3D city models provide three-dimensional representation of city areas and are used in visualization, navigation, urban planning and many others. For example, they are employed in positioning algorithms such as shadow ...
    • 3D graphics platforms and tools for mobile applications 

      Guo, Yu (2014)
      The objective of the thesis is the investigation of mobile 3D graphics platforms and tools. This is important topic since 3D graphics is increasingly used in mobile devices. In the thesis platforms and tools specific for ...
    • 3D Komponenttimenetelmän soveltaminen universaaliliitoksessa 

      Vainionpää, Joni (2019)
      Tässä työssä on tutkittu universaaliliitoksen alkujäykkyyttä eurokoodin mukaisella komponenttimenetelmällä. Liitokseksi valittiin raollinen universaaliliitos. Työ rajattiin kattamaan pelkästään ruuvin leikkausjäykkyys sekä ...
    • 3D layout design for automation systems in proposal sales phase 

      Perävainio, Tero (2021)
      Three-dimensional (3D) software models are becoming more mainstream as deliverables. A demand for 3D solution layouts for automation systems in manufacturing has existed for a while now. Solution layouts are created in ...
    • 3D Mesh Simplification Techniques for Enhanced Image Based Rendering 

      Naik, Deepa (2017)
      Three dimensional videos and virtual reality applications are gaining wide range of popularity in recent years. Virtual reality creates the feeling of 'being there' and provides more realistic experience than conventional ...
    • 3D modelling and simulation of a production line with CIROS 

      Li, Kan (2012)
      3D simulation technology has been adopted successfully in production industry for dec-ades. It benefits the manufacturers by the possibility to answer ‘how would it be’ with vivid visual images, consuming much lower capital ...
    • 3D Object Detection and Tracking Based On Point Cloud Li- brary Special Application In Pallet Picking For Autonomous Mobile Machines 

      Estiri, Fatemeh Alsadat (2014)
      This work covers the problem of object recognition and pose estimation in a point cloud data structure, using PCL (Point Cloud Library). The result of the computation will be used for mobile machine pallet picking purposes, ...
    • 3D Perception System Design for Heavy-Duty Field Robots 

      Tepsa, Joni (2021)
      Autonomous driving and mobile robotics are achieving significant milestones, and perception systems are in an essential role for their versatile data and various applications. The objectives of this thesis were to find out ...
    • 3D printed environmentally friendly supercapacitor 

      Delgado Castaño, José Ignacio (2022)
      Pro gradu -tutkielma
      The ever growing demand of wearables and smart portable devices require power supplies with growing capacities, but being lightweight, economical, environmentally sustainable and with charging times as short as possible. ...
    • 3d Printing Of A Personalized Dosage Form 

      Virtanen, Valtteri Topias (2018)
      The purpose of this thesis was to study the possibilities of 3D printing of a personalized dosage form from biocompatible and biodegradable PLA (polylactic acid) polymer. In this thesis multiple sets of capsules with ...
    • 3D Semantic Mesh for Augmented Reality 

      Kong, Sehyun (2020)
      In the augmented reality (AR) or robotics applications, it is important to enhance the perception of robots or users. In many AR applications, 3D spaces of both indoor and outdoor scenes are already available but usually ...
    • 3D tracking of a mobile device 

      Tuokko, Miro-Markus (2020)
      There are multiple different methods for tracking the location and orientation of a rigid object. Finnish company Piceasoft Ltd. has a need to track a mobile phone while it is being turned by hand. The tracker needs to be ...
    • 3D tracking of objects in real time 

      Hyttinen, Esa (2018)
      This thesis aims to explore the problem of object tracking. This included reviewing existing applications and technologies related to the problem, and testing one approach via setting up a system that tracks obstacle ...
    • 3D-käyttöliittymäkomponenttikirjaston toteuttaminen web-tekniikoilla 

      Mattila, Anna-Liisa (2012)
      Interaktiivisten kolmiulotteisten (3D) web-sovellusten kehittäminen on nykyään mahdollista, mutta ei kuitenkaan yksinkertaista. Interaktiivisten 3D-sovellusten toteutustekniikat ovat abstraktiotasoltaan matalalla verrattuna ...
    • 3D-laserkeilausaineiston hyödyntäminen inframallintamisen yhteydessä ja sen lopputuotteen laadun varmentaminen 

      Pekkala, Janne (2015)
      Infra-alalla ollaan siirtymässä kohti inframallintamisen tehokasta hyödyntämistä hankkeen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Samalla luotettavien lähtötietojen merkitys korostuu. Yksi tärkeimmistä lähtötiedoista on maastomalliaineisto, ...