"Biokemia - Biochemistry" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanOpinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto
Viitteet 21-40 / 133
Characterization of in vitro outer blood retinal barrier model
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBackground and aims: The human eye has anatomically closed structure, due to the blood retinal barrier (BRB) which is protecting the photoreceptor cells. It comprises of three layers: retinal pigment epithelial cells ... -
Characterization of repression capability of Sin3-associated protein 30-like and its alternatively spliced isoforms
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBackground and Aims: Within the nucleus of eukaryotic cell, DNA is packaged with histone proteins to from nucleosomes that arrange further to form higher-order packaged structures. This three dimensional structure forms a ... -
Characterization of the 7q21-q22 amplicon in pancreatic cancer
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Characterization of the protease phenotype of cultured human mast cells during their differentiation and maturation
Pro gradu -tutkielmaABSTRACT Background and Aims: Mast cells (MCs) are tissue-dwelling effector cells of innate and adaptive immunity that differentiate in peripheral tissues from committed circulating progenitor cells of bone marrow origin. ... -
Cloning of UBAP2 and its role in prostate cancer
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBackground and aims: Prostate cancer is a common malignancy affecting millions of men worldwide. The molecular mechanisms involved in prostate cancer are poorly understood. Genomic copy-number alterations are common in ... -
Clostridium butyricum:n 1,3-propaanidiolioperonin promoottorin kloonaus ja säätelyn toiminta Escherichia coli:ssa ja Bacillus subtilis:ssa
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkimuksen tausta ja tavoitteet Vetyä pidetään ympäristöystävällisyytensä vuoksi yhtenä tulevaisuuden polttoaineista. Sen ympäristöystävällisyys riippuu kuitenkin tuotantotavoista, jotka nykyisellään eivät ole ekologisesti ... -
Clustering of Gene Ontologies in Genomes
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkimuksen tausta ja tavoitteet: Proteiineja koodaavat geenit eivät ole satunnaisesti jakautuneina kromosomeihin, vaikkakin ne edustavat vain pientä osaa genomista. Geenien klusteroitumisesta on saatu viitteitä usealla ... -
Concordance between Pathway Databases and Refinement of Pathways for Computational Analysis
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkimuksen tausta ja tavoitteet: Biologiassa tutkimus suuntautuu kokoajan kohti systeemitason tutkimusta. Enää ei tutkita vain yhtä tai muutamaa geeniä, vaan keskitytään kokonaisuuteen, jossa ne esiintyvät. Signalointireitit ... -
Construction of chimeric AVR2/4 library by means of DNA shuffling and Gateway cloning.
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkielman tausta ja tavoitteet: Riittävän suuren ja hyvälaatuisen yhdistelmäkirjaston kokoaminen on yksi faagiseulonnan (engl. phage display) suurimpia haasteita. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää uusia työkaluja ... -
Culturing human embryonic stem cell -derived neural cells in microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane structures
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Cytosolic SH3-interactions of ADAM12-disintegrin-metalloprotease
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBackground: ADAM proteins (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) are membrane proteins that consist of several functional domains. ADAM proteins are able to mediate cell adhesion through their disintegrin domain and selective ... -
Detection of Hypoxia-inducible mRNAs in the Plasma of Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Pro gradu -tutkielmaAbstract Background and aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the mRNA expression levels of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and three hypoxia-inducible genes, CA9, CA12 and OPN, in NSCLC patients' plasma and to ... -
Developing a Quantitative Real-Time PCR Method for Characterizing Microbial Communities in Biological Systems
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Development of a serotype-specific detection method for the diabetogenic coxsackievirus B1
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Distribution of Novel Iron Regulatory Protein Hemojuvelin in Murine Tissues
Pro gradu -tutkielmaHakutermit: iron, hemochromatosis, hemojuvelin, in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry, localization Backgroung and Aims: Juvenile hemochromatosis is an early-onset iron overload disease that leads to severe organ ... -
Dual Chain Avidins - Useful Tools for Fusion Protein Applications
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBackground and aims: The aims of this study were to investigate the ligand binding properties and structure of dual chain hybrid avidins (dchAvd) as well as to discuss their applicability in biotechnological applications. ... -
Effects of exonuclease deficiency on the biochemical properties of the human mitochondrial replicase
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Effects of lipids and lipid derivatives on undifferentiated growth of human embryonic stem cells
Pro gradu -tutkielmaVerkkojulkaisu salainen 1.6.2015 saakka