"Teknis-luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta - Faculty of Natural Sciences" - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)Opinnäytteet - ylempi korkeakoulututkinto
Viitteet 21-40 / 150
Calculation of Water Delivery Time in Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems
DiplomityöAn automatic fire protection can be provided by a sprinkler system. The most common type of a sprinkler system is called a wet type system. A pipe network in the wet type systems is always filled with water and this type of ... -
Charge carrying agglomerates in an electrostatic soot sensor
DiplomityöRecently there has been development of a new compact on-board sensor to measure particle mass concentration. This electrical sensor is very compact and simple, and it has a wide measurement range and a short response time. ... -
Computational study of G protein-coupled receptor partitioning in a phase segregated membrane
DiplomityöCell membranes are composed of a great diversity of lipids and proteins. The lipid raft concept suggests that instead of a homogeneous distribution of the membrane components, they are laterally segregated into domains of ... -
Computational Study of Pulmonary Surfactant Protein B Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
DiplomityöPulmonary surfactant is a surface active lipid-protein complex covering the air-liquid interface at the surface of the alveoli in the lungs. Its main function is to reduce the surface tension at the interface, and thus to ... -
Cost Optimization Methods for Fluidized Bed Boilers
DiplomityöIn this Master of Science thesis, the operational cost structure and a method to optimize this structure are studied. The whole operational cost structure and different basis for optimization are presented. Optimization ... -
CRISPR/Cas9-based engineering of Aspergillus niger for the improved fermentation of pectin-rich materials
DiplomityöMillions of tons of pectin-rich materials, such as citrus peel, are annually discarded worldwide. Filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger naturally degrades pectin-rich materials. Consequently, A. niger has been previously ... -
Cultivation of Scenedesmus acuminatus in open ponds and simultaneous nutrient removal from source separated urine
DiplomityöIncreasing human population calls for food security and providing enough food is coupled with frequent use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture. Phosphorus and nitrogen are one of the most essential nutrients for living ... -
Data Mining on Deflectometric Data of Surface Defects
DiplomityöThe objective of this thesis is to apply machine learning and data mining methods, especially classification and clustering, onto deflectometric data of surface defects found on car bodies. The data is acquired via ... -
Data-driven force models in GNSS satellite orbit prediction
DiplomityöIn this study, we consider the problem of predicting the orbit of a GNSS satellite with a force model that can be adjusted based on data. In autonomous prediction, the goal is to use the positioning device in a completely ... -
Decision tree learning with hierarchical features
DiplomityöThe performance of machine learning methods depends on the data they are given. Real life data sets can be incomplete and consist of various types of data. However, many methods are capable of handling only nominal and ... -
Density functional study of hydrogen adsorption on Pt-Ni nanoclusters
DiplomityöThe development of affordable and earth-abundant electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has attracted great attention in recent years. The effective production of molecular hydrogen is of crucial ... -
Developing an operating model for contractor safety management at a global marine business organization
DiplomityöGlobalization, market fluctuations, increased competition, the deregulation of markets (e.g. EU), cutting costs and adding workforce flexibility have all affected on the increasing of outsourcing and contracting to enable ... -
Development of pH-Sensitive and Adjuvant-Based Polymer Lids for Microcontainers Leading to Targeted Delivery of Oral Vaccines
DiplomityöOral vaccination, one of the prominent ongoing research areas of drug delivery and immunology, requires effective targeted drug delivery method as well as triggered immune responses. In this thesis project, polymeric ... -
Development of water system models with step-response tests
DiplomityöMore than 50 percent of the electricity in the Nordics is produced with hydropower. Hydropower production is flexible and it is capable of responding to the fluctuating electricity demand. Hydropower production is dependent ... -
Diffuusiovarautumiseen perustuvan hiukkasanturin karakterisointi ja sen hyödyntäminen dieselajoneuvon hiukkaspäästöjen mittaamisessa
DiplomityöIlmansaasteet ovat nykypäivänä yksi suurimmista ongelmista ihmiskunnalle. Ilmastonmuutoksen lisäksi saasteiden sisältämien pienhiukkasten on tutkittu aiheuttavan terveyshaittoja ja jopa kuolemia. Diesel-ajoneuvojen osuus ... -
Digitalisaation mahdollisuudet energiantuotannossa ja jakelussa
DiplomityöTässä diplomityössä esitetään ennuste siitä, mitä vaikutuksia digitalisaatiolla on energiantuotannossa ja jakelussa vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Työn yhteydessä digitalisaatio määritellään ilmiöksi, jossa digitaalisen tiedon ja ... -
Effect of air classification on utilization potential of fly ashes from co-combustion
DiplomityöCircular economy is an upward trend that applies also to ashes. It will be increasingly important to change the status of ash from a waste that has to be landfilled to a useful product. The main driving force behind this ... -
Effects of Phone Booths' Composition on Health and Development of the Composition Definition Process
DiplomityöOpen-plan offices have become popular in the recent decades and along with the popularity, noise has become a general problem in the offices around the world. Framery Oy, the case company of this thesis, manufactures phone ... -
Elintarvikemyymälän kosteuden hallinta ja kylmäkalusteiden vaikutus sisäilman kosteuteen
DiplomityöElintarvikemyymälöissä käytettävillä kylmäkalusteilla on merkittävä vaikutus sisäilman kosteuteen ja lämpötilaan. Erityisesti avoimissa kalusteissa tapahtuu ilman sekoittumista kalusteen ja myymälän sisäilman välillä ... -
Enhancing nonlinear optical response of resonant gold nanostructures via lattice interactions
DiplomityöMetal nanostructures are of interest because of their potential applications in optical metamaterials, which are artificial materials that can have physical properties not found in nature. Such nanostructures are also ...