"Science and Engineering, BSc (Tech)" - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaanKandidaatintutkielmat
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Photocatalyst Performance Evaluation through Methylene Blue Photodecomposition
KandidaatintyöOne widely used and effective way to measure the performance of a photocatalyst is indirectly with help of methylene blue, which readily photodecomposes in presence of a catalyst. Methylene blue is cheap and readily available ... -
Quantum transport through two-dimensional nanocavities
KandidaatintyöIn this thesis work, we present a highly-optimized numerical simulation framework for performing transport calculations in a non-interacting equilibrium. The algorithm has been designed in accordance with the Landauer-Büttiker ... -
The Ethereum blockchain: Use cases for social finance applications
KandidaatintyöCentralized network solution have been around for a long time, despite having a considerable issue of trust, in which users need to rely on the implementation of the system. During unfortunate incidents such as centralized ...