"Rantala, Jarkko" - Selaus tekijän mukaan Erillisteokset ja sarjajulkaisut

    • Information Society and the Demand for Transport - Effects of Telecommunications on Travel Behaviour and Urban Freight Traffic 

      Kalenoja, Hanna; Rantala, Jarkko
      Studies in Information Sciences (Tampere University Press, 2007)
      The information society and its various applications have been found to have substituting, generating and modifying effects on the demand for transport. In general, the information age seems to have a more diverse and ...
    • Toimintamalleja kaupunkilogistiikan kehittämiseen 

      Kiiskinen, Ellinoora; Kallionpää, Erika; Metsäpuro, Pasi; Rantala, Jarkko
      Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Liikenteen tutkimuskeskus Verne. Tutkimusraportti : 87 (Tampereen Teknillinen Yliopisto. Tiedonhallinnan ja logistiikan laitos, 2013)
      The lack of non-renewable energy sources and environmental requirements has forced stakeholders to develop their operations into more environmentally friendly direction. Longhaul transportation cover the majority of the ...