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Viitteet 97-116 / 1286
Chinese Superblock : A Study and Design Tools for Sustainable Urban Development in China
Tampere University of Technology. School of Architecture. Housing Design. Publication (Tampere University of Technology, 2012)
bookThe thesis studies Chinese superblock housing areas, which are exceptionally large and enclosed high-density residential areas. The superblock typology has been the main method for planning and constructing urban housing ... -
CoAP-SNMP Interworking IoT Scenarios
Tampere University of Technology. Department of Pervasive Computing. Report (Tampere University of Technology. Department of Pervasive Computing, 2014)
reportThe Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the de-facto means of network management in the Internet. SNMP forms the basis of many tools and applications used by operators and network administrators for network and ... -
Committed to Peace : Historical Introduction to Finnish Defense and Security Policy
TAPRI Net Series : 2 (Tampere Peace Research Institute, 2010)
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Communication and Community in Digital Entertainment Services. Prestudy Research Report
Hypermedialaboratorion verkkojulkaisuja - Hypermedia Laboratory Net Series : 2 (2002)
bookCC-DES is a future-orientated research and development project where new forms of communication and interaction in digital entertainment services are analysed. The project carries out user-focused research into communication ... -
Comparing Children, Families and Risks
Childhood and Family Research Unit Net Series : 2/2006 (Tampere University Press, 2006)
bookThe edited book collects the plenary lectures and workshop presentation presented in the international seminar of "Comparing Children, Families and Risks" organised at the University of Tampere in November 2005. The papers ... -
Comparison of Statistics Finland´s and FSD´s Metadata Models
Yhteiskuntatieteellisen tietoarkiston julkaisuja : 11 (Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto, 2014)
bookSekä Tilastokeskus että Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto tuottavat laadukasta metadataa aineistoistaan. Tilastokeskuksessa kuvailuun käytetään CoSSI-tietomallia ja tietoarkistossa kansainvälistä DDI Codebook -mallia. ... -
Complexity and Digitalisation of Cities - Challenges for Urban Planning and Design: Conference Proceedings of 13th AESOP Complexity and Planning Thematic Group Meeting 15th-16th January 2015, Tampere, Finland
(Tampere University of Technology. School of Architecture, 2015)
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Complexity and Expressivity of Uniform One-Dimensional Fragment with Equality
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)
bookUniform one-dimensional fragment UF is a formalism obtained from first-order logic by limiting quantification to applications of blocks of existential (universal) quantifiers such that at most one variable remains free in ... -
Composite column - Calculation examples
Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering. Research Report : 147 (Tampere University of Technology, 2010)
reportComposite columns are often used in structures due to the ease and speed of erection, and high performance in fire situation. Concrete filled tubes are steel tubes that are in site filled with reinforced concrete. In normal ... -
Comprehensive development of nearly zero-energy municipal service buildings (COMBI). Tutkimushankkeen johdanto- ja yhteenvetoraportti.
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Rakennustekniikan laboratorio. Rakennetekniikka. Tutkimusraportti (Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2019)
reportTässä COMBI-tutkimushankkeen johdanto- ja yhteenvetoraportissa esitetään vuosina 2015—2018 toteutetun tutkimushankkeen keskeiset suositukset ja johtopäätökset. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut parantaa julkisten palvelurakennusten, ... -
Content, Advertising, and Circulation in an Optimizing Model of the Media Firm
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 25/2003 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2003)
workingPaperThe paper determines the effects of different influencing variables on the media company’s optimal subscription and advertising prices and editorial content. The company maximizes profit consisting of subscription and ... -
Conversion of flat files and hierarchical data bases
Tampere University Press, ePublications - Verkkojulkaisut (Tampereen yliopisto, 1985)
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Conversion of XML‐based Open Data into Relational Closed Data
Informaatiotieteiden yksikön raportteja - Reports in Information Sciences : 33/2014 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)
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Cost of Capital for Cross-Border Investment: The Role of Marginal and Intra-marginal Profits
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 34/2004 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2004)
workingPaperWe model an investment in a foreign subsidiary, the outside finance to which is injected by its parent company from abroad. Sinn’s (1993) initial “underinvestment” problem due to taxes on repatriated dividends is argued ... -
Coverage of the Russia-Ukraine War by Television News in Nine Countries
(Tampere University, 2023)
reportThis is a condensed presentation of an international study on the way the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 was covered by television news in Russia, China, Finland, the UK, Italy, the USA (separately in ... -
Cumulated gain-based indicators of IR performance
Department of Information Studies: Research Notes : 2002-2 (2002)
reportModern large retrieval environments tend to overwhelm their users by their large output. Since all documents are not of equal relevance to their users, highly relevant documents should be identified and ranked first for ... -
Curious Pedagogy : Reflections on Urban Planning Education
DATUTOP : 41 (Tampere University, 2023)
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Data Driven Methods for Improving Mono- and Cross-lingual IR Performance in Environments
TRIM Research Notes : 1 (2009)
reportAbstract In cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), novel or non-standard expressions, technical terminology, or rare proper nouns can be seen as noise when they appear in queries or in the target collection, because ... -
Data Management Policy for Open Research Infrastructures at Tampere University
(Tampere University, 2020)
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Datan alaiset : Kansanedustajien digitaalinen arki
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2021)
reportRaportti tarkastelee kansanedustajien digitaalista viestintätyötä. Raportissa lähdetään liikkeelle oletuksesta, jonka mukaan viestintä on yhä merkittävämpi osa poliitikon työtä. Tähän vaikuttaa median yhä keskeisempi rooli ...