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Viitteet 275-294 / 1286
Incentives, Inequality and the Allocation of Aid When Conditionality Doesn\'t Work: An Optimal Nonlinear Taxation Approach
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 4/2001 (2001)
workingPaperThis paper analyses the impact of aid, and its optimal allocation, when conditionality is ineffective. It is assumed that the recipient government will implement its own preferences no matter what. In this set up, aid can ... -
Incentivizing last-resort social assistance clients : Evidence from a Finnish policy experiment
Tampere Economic Working Papers : 132 (Tampere University, 2021)
workingPaperIn 2002, the Finnish government introduced an earnings disregard experiment aimed at improving the incentives of low-income individuals who receive last-resort social assistance. The aim of the experiment was to reduce ... -
Income inequality, redistributive preferences and the extent of redistribution : An empirical application of optimal tax approach
Tampere Economic Working Papers : 124/2018 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2019)
workingPaperWe examine empirically the relationship between the extent of redistribution and the components of the Mirrlees framework, with a focus on inherent inequality and government's redistributive preferences. We have constructed ... -
Income, Aspirations and Subjective Well-being : International Evidence
Tampere Economic Working Papers : 129 (Tampere University, 2020)
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Industrial Service Systems
(Tampere University, 2020)
bookManufacturing firms in various industries are expanding their business reach to industrial services, while simultaneously using modern information and communication technologies to digitalize and transform their businesses. ... -
Infinite networks, halting and local algorithms (Draft)
bookThe immediate past has witnessed an increasing amount of interest in local algorithms, i.e., constant time distributed graph algorithms. In the recent survey of local algorithms (Suomela, ACM Computing Surveys, 2013), it ... -
Information Society and the Demand for Transport - Effects of Telecommunications on Travel Behaviour and Urban Freight Traffic
Studies in Information Sciences (Tampere University Press, 2007)
bookThe information society and its various applications have been found to have substituting, generating and modifying effects on the demand for transport. In general, the information age seems to have a more diverse and ... -
Informetrics through Advanced Data Management. Complex Object Restructuring, Data Aggregation and Transitive Computation
Department of Information Studies: Research Notes : 1999-1 (1999)
reportThis article considers how informetric calculations can easily and declaratively be specified through advanced data management techniques. In particular, bibliographic data and its modeling as complex objects (non-first ... -
Infra-alan tuottavuus – Toimi, seuraa ja paranna : ProDigial-tutkimusohjelman loppuraportti
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2023)
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Inherent Inequality and the Extent of Redistribution in OECD Countries
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 7/2001 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2001)
workingPaperThe purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the inherent inequality and the extent of redistribution by utilising the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database. This database provides both market and ... -
Innovaatioekosysteemeillä kohti yhteistä arvonluontia : Ekosysteemit ja alustat tutkimuksen, kehittämisen ja innovaatiotoiminnan avautumisen työkaluina
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2020)
bookYhteiskunnan rakenteelliset muutokset taloudessa, teknologiassa ja arvonluonnin logiikassa ovat johtaneet kehittämistyön monimutkaisuuden lisääntymiseen samalla, kun niukentuvat resurssit ovat vaatineet uusia vaikuttavampia ... -
Innovaatioekosysteemit sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen uudistamisessa : Kehittäjän opas yhteiseen arvonluontiin
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2021)
bookTämä julkaisu on tarkoitettu oppaaksi sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelualan tutkimus-, kehittämis- ja innovaatiotoiminnan parissa työskenteleville avoimemman ja osallistavamman kehittämisotteen omaksumiseksi ja jalkauttamiseksi. ... -
Insights into Modal Slash Logic and Modal Decidability
Reports in Information Sciences : 6 / 2012 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2012)
reportThe present paper has a two-fold task. On the one hand, it aims to provide an overview on Independence friendly modal logic as defined in (Tulenheimo, 2003; Tulenheimo, 2004) and studied in a number of subsequent publications. ... -
Institutional Entrepreneurship Relay for Science-based Innovation - How Did World Class Regenerative Medicine Come about in Tampere, Finland?
Sente työraportteja - SENTE Working Papers : 31 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2011)
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Instrument choice in the case of multiple externalities
Tampere Economic Working Papers : 128 (Tampere University, 2020)
workingPaperWe study market-based regulation in a polluting industry that produces two externalities at the same time. There is a negative externality (emissions) to which every firm in the industry contributes, and a positive externality ... -
Integroiva työtapa muotoutuvassa perhekeskuskontekstissa : Kriittisten tekijöiden tarkastelua
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2019)
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Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 82/2010 (2010)
workingPaperThe seminal Buchanan-Ng club model is used to analyze optimal allocation ofpopulation between non-homogenous cities. Because of externalities (marginal welfareeffects), migration cannot alone ensure efficiency and policy ... -
Inter-Regional Factor Allocation in the Neo-Keynesian Macroeconomic Model
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 56/2007 (2007)
workingPaperThe standard neoclassical Two-Sector Model of inter-regional factor allocation says that apositive demand shock in one region starts immigration of both labour and capital, but that theadjustment of market prices eventually ... -
Internal report: COMP.CS.300 - growing grade-by-grade
(Tampere University, 2023)
reportThe enrollment of computer science students continues to increase, with record enrollment numbers in the course ”Data Structures and Algorithms” in fall 2022. As a result, teaching methods and systems must evolve to support ...