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20th Inverse Days 2014, Tampere 9th-11th December 2014: Abstracts
Tampere University of Technology. Department of Mathematics. Research Report : 101 (Tampere University of Technology, Department of Mathematics, 2014)
reportProceedings of the Inverse Days 2014 conference organized in Tampere 9th - 11th December 2014. This document contains the schedule of the conference, the list of participants and the abstracts of the talks given at the conference. -
60- ja 70-lukujen matalat tyyppitalot ja korjausrakentaminen
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Arkkitehtuurin laitos. Julkaisu : 3 (Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Arkkitehtuurin laitos, 2011)
bookTämä opas esittää 1960- ja 70-lukujen pientalojen korjaus- ja laajennusratkaisuja, joilla rakennuksia voidaan nykyaikaistaa ja samalla parantaa niiden energiatehokkuutta. Julkaisu pohjautuu Sakari Ruotsalaisen Tampereen ... -
A Comparison of Working Hours in Four Nordic National Representative Surveys
Työelämän tutkimuskeskuksen työraportteja / Working Papers : 99 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2018)
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A Competence Set Approach and the Universities: Human Spare Parts Industry as an Illustrative Case
Sente työraportteja - SENTE Working Papers : 35 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)
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A Flying Finn : Finnish Civil Society Actors in the Global Sphere
TAPRI Net Series : 5 (Tampere Peace Research Institute, 2013)
bookIn "A Flying Finn...”, those Finnish civil society and other actors who, in the first decade of a new millennium, have participated in the dialogue between cultures share with us how they have lived the international and ... -
A Monocular Camera Gyroscope
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Matematiikan laitos. Tutkimusraportti : 98 (Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2011)
reportWe present a method for tracking the 3-axis orientation of a monocular camera using orthogonal vanishing points detected in individual frames of a sequence of images. Robust and real-time vanishing point detection is done ... -
A new paradigm for design science and action research
(Tampere University, 2023)
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A Note on the Mundell-Fleming Model: Policy Implications on Factor Migration
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 57/2007 (2007)
workingPaperThe policy implications of the seminal Mundell-Fleming model are reviewed in the classicallong-term regime of the full Neo-Keynesian macroeconomic model. It is shown that, besides thetemporary capital flows described by ... -
A Note on the Two-Sector Model of Regional Factor Allocation
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 38/2006 (2006)
workingPaperThe standard neoclassical Two-Sector Model of inter-regional factor allocation says that a positive demand shock in one region starts immigration of both labour and capital into the region, but that the market adjustment ... -
A pocket-sized recipe for cooking up a scientific manuscript
(Tampere University, 2023)
bookThis booklet is intended to be read from cover to cover, in the order of writing. It is not so much a general guideline as a proven recipe to get your scientific manuscript accepted by a peer-reviewed journal. We do not ... -
A Portal Banking Solution Research, SQM and Inspire 2012 Tampere Conference
bookAbstract The growth of the Internet as a financial business and core banking has done possible for everyday life for everyone. Core Banking solutions are banking applications on a platform enabling a phased, strategic ... -
A Survey on Search-Based Software Design
Tietojenkäsittelytieteden laitoksen sarja D -Verkkojulkaisut : D-2009-1 (2009)
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A Survey on Web 2.0
Tietojenkäsittelytieteden laitoksen sarja D -Verkkojulkaisut : D-2008-5 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2008)
bookToday’s Internet is a far cry from the network of academic sharing as which it began. From the ruins of the dot-com bubble has risen a brave new Internet that O’Reilly has named Web 2.0 while others prefer such names as ... -
Abstract Book: Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2002, Fourth International Conference, June 29 - July 2, 2002, Tampere, Finland
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2002)
bookCrossroads in Cultural Studies 2002 - conference\'s abstract book. Abstract book includes 150-word session descriptions and the abstracts of the presentations. -
Academic Mindtrek Conference 2014 Open Source Software Liferay Solutions- E-Banking Account and MQ File System
bookInternet banking enables customers to save time, take control of their personal finances and even help the environment by opting to receive electronic statements. For Internet banking users, online banking services is the ... -
Access Price Regulation, Investment and Entry in Telecommunications
Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 35/2004 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2004)
workingPaperWe consider a model with a vertically integrated monopolist network provider who faces rival operators in the retail market. We examine the network operator’s incentives to invest in a technology that increases demand. We ... -
Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Culture, Series : B 5 (2010)
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Action research as an approach in design science
Tietojenkäsittelytieteden laitoksen sarja D -Verkkojulkaisut : D-2005-2 (2005)
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Adaptation and Loss Aversion in the Relationship between GDP and Subjective Well-being
Tampere Economic Working Papers : 117/2017 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2017)
workingPaperWe examine the roles of adaptation and loss aversion in the relationship between national income and subjective well-being. Earlier studies have found that people and nations tend to adapt to changes in income, and that ... -
Adaption of the Swedish KBS disposal concept to Finland: A technology transfer case study
(Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)