- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Erillisteokset ja sarjajulkaisut

    • "Feel like family" -Why do they have so many immigrant girls in Underground? 

      Koivuniemi, Jonna (Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)
    • Female employees in intermediary organisations: tasks, careers and networks 

      Vuolanto, Pia; Vehviläinen, Marja; Ylijoki, Oili-Helena
      Tieteen-, teknologian- ja innovaatiotutkimuksen yksikkö, työraportteja - Unit for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, Working Papers : 4/2009 (University of Tampere, 2009)
      Unit for Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Working Papers The report by TaSTI researchers Pia Vuolanto and Oili-Helena Ylijoki and researcher Marja Vehviläinen from Department of Social Research at the University ...
    • Fiale-aluetietojärjestelmän vaikuttavuusarviointi Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiirissä 

      Nykänen, Pirkko
      Tietojenkäsittelytieteiden laitoksen julkaisusarja B : B-2007-1 (2007)
    • Final report of Waterproof Perovskite Solar Cells (SolarWAVE) project 

      Vivo, Paola; Canil, Laura; Abate, Antonio (Tampere University, 2021)
    • Fiscal consequences of greater openness: from tax avoidance and tax arbitrage to revenue growth 

      Ylä-Liedenpohja, Jouko
      Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 64/2008 (2008)
      Revenue from corporation tax and taxes on capital income, net of revenue loss from deductibility of interest, as a percentage of the GDP has tripled in Finland over the past two decades. This is argued to result from greater ...
    • fKWIC: Frequency Based Keyword-in-Context Index for Filtering Web Search Results 

      Käki, Mika
      Tietojenkäsittelytieteden laitoksen sarja D -Verkkojulkaisut : D-2005-3 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2005)
    • Fonetiikan päivät 2008 XXV Fonetiikan päivillä Tampereen yliopistossa 11.-12.1.2008 pidetyt esitelmät 

      O'Dell, Michael L.; Nieminen, Tommi; University of Tampere
      Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Culture, Series : B 3 (Tampere University Press, 2009)
    • Formal Definition of Traceability Graph 

      Junkkari, Marko; Sirkka, Antti
      Reports in Information Sciences : 3 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2011)
      Data-centric workflows focus on how the data is transferred between processes and how it is logically stored. In addition to traditional workflow analysis, these can be applied to monitoring, tracing, and analyzing data ...
    • Free2Play Research Project Final Report 

      Paavilainen, Janne; Koskinen, Elina; Hamari, Juho; Kinnunen, Jani; Alha, Kati; Keronen, Lauri; Mäyrä, Frans; Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences; University of Tampere
      TRIM Research Reports : 18 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2016)
      The free-to-play revenue model has gained wide popularity in the video games industry. Distributing games for free and monetizing through in-app purchases has been proven to be a lucrative business and a promising ...
    • From a Few to All - Long Term Development of Water and Sanitation Services in Finland 

      Katko, Tapio; Juuti, Petri; University of Tampere
      Tampere University Press, ePublications - Verkkojulkaisut (KehräMedia, 2005)
      "This book is an important contribution to history of water and environmental history of Finland in general. Hopefully, it will promote more work of value for eager readers." Martin V. Melosi Professor University of ...
    • Functional Electrical Stimulation in Paralysed Respiratory Muscles. Proceedings of the Workshop held in Hamburg 11-12 November 1999 

      Baer, Gerhard A.; Exner, Gerhard; University of Tampere (Tampere University Press, 2000)
      The international workshop held in November 1999 at the Spinal Cord Injured Centre of the BG- trauma hospital in Hamburg was organised to exchange experience and to provide a view on recent developments concerning respiratory ...
    • Future services and overlay architectures: State of the art report 1. UBISERVE project Deliverable D4.1 

      Silverajan, Bilhanan; Pyattaev, Alexander
      Tampere University of Technology, Department of Communications Engineering. Research Report : 2010:2 (Tampere University of Technology, 2010)
      The UBISERVE-project (Research on Future Ubiquitous Services and Applications) is a joint research effort dedicated to advance research in the field of ubiquitous services. The project focuses on future services building ...
    • Förhållandena i Övre Satakunta i mitten av 1700-talet 

      Gadd, Pehr Adrian; Lönnroth, Harry; University of Tampere
      Tampere University Press, ePublications - Verkkojulkaisut (2007)
      Utgiven med inledning och kommentar av Harry Lönnroth. Pehr Adrian Gadd (f. 1727 i Birkala ­ d. 1797 i Åbo) var den förste professorn i kemi vid akademien i Åbo från och med 1761. Enligt hans åsikt var lantbruket den ...
    • Games and Innovation Research Seminar 2011 Working Papers 

      Kultima, Annakaisa; Peltoniemi, Mirva; Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences; University of Tampere
      TRIM Research Reports : 7 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2012)
      The games industry carries the image of innovation and creativity, but still we know relatively little about the innovation processes that take place within the domain. To date, games and innovation have been studied in ...
    • Games as Services - Final Report 

      Sotamaa, Olli; Karppi, Tero; University of Tampere
      TRIM Research Reports : 2 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2010)
      The ultra competitive nature of global game industry, characterized by spiraling production times and development costs, has in the recent times forced the game developers to search for alternative approaches. As a ...
    • GameSpace: Methods and Evaluation for Casual Mobile Multiplayer Games 

      Paavilainen, Janne; Kultima, Annakaisa; Kuittinen, Jussi; Mäyrä, Frans; Saarenpää, Hannamari; Niemelä, Johannes
      Interaktiivisen median tutkimuksia - Research of Interactive Media : 1 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2009)
      GameSpace was a new kind of a research project: it involved close collaboration between academic researchers and the game industry, and it looked at the methodological issues involved in game creation rather than focusing ...
    • Gaming Nation? Piloting the International Study of Games Cultures in Finland 

      Kallio, Kirsi Pauliina; Kaipainen, Kirsikka; Mäyrä, Frans
      Hypermedialaboratorion verkkojulkaisuja - Hypermedia Laboratory Net Series : 14 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2007)
      This is a study looking into how digital games are played in Finland. The present report is based on a survey of 805 Finnish respondents, 15-75 years of age, and it serves to provide a first quantitative overview of how ...
    • General Equilibrium Elaboration of the Classical Model of Migration 

      Laurila, Hannu
      Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 36/2004 (2004)
      The classic type of analysis of inter-regional migration is derived from the traditional trade doctrine, expressed in terms of labour markets. The approach is here given a general equilibrium elaboration by including ...
    • Global Information Systems Management - The view on Smart Transformation : Consolidated Assignments from Spring 2019 

      Pirkkalainen, Henri; Torro, Osku; Johtamisen ja talouden tiedekunta - Faculty of Management and Business; Tampere University (Tampere University - Unit of Information and Knowledge Management, 2019)
      Digitalization changes the world. Information systems, software applications and other technologies are in a central role in this change. They enable new work practices and processes, new business models and opportunities, ...
    • Globalization and State in the Middle East 

      Linjakumpu, Aini; University of Tampere
      TAPRI Net Series : 1 (2003)
      Five articles dealing with the relationship of globalization and state in the Middle East. Articles also discuss the challenge of Islam and Islamism to the state and the formation of national identities. One article is ...