- Selaus nimekkeen mukaan Erillisteokset ja sarjajulkaisut

    • Can Payroll Tax Cuts Help Firms During Recessions? 

      Benzarti, Youssef; Harju, Jarkko
      Tampere Economic Working Papers : 131 (Tampere University, 2021)
    • Carbon Dioxide Permeability of Cellulose-Insulated Wall Structures 

      Niemelä, T.; Vinha, J.; Lindberg, R.
      Tampere University of Technology, Structural Engineering, Publication (Tampere University of Technology, 2000)
      A study was conducted at Tampere University of Technology, Laboratory of Structural Engineering in 1995 where the diffusion of carbon dioxide through different building materials, finishes and entire external wall structures ...
    • Cash Money as a Saving Mode 

      Laurila, Hannu
      Tampere Economic Working Papers : 135 (Tampere University, 2022)
      Cash money can be a rational devise of saving as an insurance against external uncertainty. Liquid money, controlled by a stable and trustworthy central bank, offers an insurance against stock market crashes, bankrupts and ...
    • CEO 2015: Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization 

      Kähkönen, Kalle; Huovinen, Pekka; Keinänen, Marko
      Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering. Construction Management and Economics. Report : 16 (Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering, 2015)
      Nordic conferences on Construction Economics and Organization (CEO conferences) have been biennial events for academics and industry people. These events are bringing together experts globally and those particularly from ...
    • Challenges of Global eLearning 

      Varis, Tapio; Puukko, Mika; University of Tampere (Tampereen yliopisto, 2010)
      This publication contains selected full papers presented in the International Workshop "Ubiquitous ICT for sustainable education and cultural literacy", held in Hämeenlinna, Finland, 6-7 October 2008. The summary proceedings ...
    • Changes or levels? Reassessment of the relationship between top-end inequality and growth 

      Tuominen, Elina
      Tampere Economic Working Papers : 109/2016 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2016)
      This study explores the association between top-end inequality and subsequent economic growth. The motivation stems from the results of Banerjee and Duflo (2003), who study nonlinearities in the inequality–growth ...
    • Changing Faces of Game Innovation. GaIn and GIIP Research Project Report 

      Kultima, Annakaisa; Alha, Kati; Informaatiotieteiden yksikkö - School of Information Sciences; University of Tampere
      TRIM Research Reports : 4 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2011)
      This book is a collection of research and concept papers developed as a result of the Games and Innovation (GaIn) and Games Industry Innovation Processes (GIIP) research projects. The GaIn research project (January 2009-March ...

      Kanbur, Ravi; Tuomala, Matti
      Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 76/2010 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2010)
      In his Presidential Address to the European Economic Association, Tony Atkinson introduced the idea of a "Charitable Conservatism" position in public policy, which "exhibits degree of concern for the poor, but this is the ...
    • Chasing Sustainability on the Net : International research on 69 journalistic pure players and their business models 

      Sirkkunen, Esa; Cook, Clare; Viestinnän, median ja teatterin yksikkö - School of Communication, Media and Theatre; University of Tampere (University of Tampere, 2012)
      This report outlines how online-based journalistic startups have created their economical locker in the evolving media ecology. The research introduces the ways that startups have found sustainability in the markets of ...
    • Chinese Superblock : A Study and Design Tools for Sustainable Urban Development in China 

      Nieminen, Sara
      Tampere University of Technology. School of Architecture. Housing Design. Publication (Tampere University of Technology, 2012)
      The thesis studies Chinese superblock housing areas, which are exceptionally large and enclosed high-density residential areas. The superblock typology has been the main method for planning and constructing urban housing ...
    • CoAP-SNMP Interworking IoT Scenarios 

      Lindholm-Ventola, Hanna; Silverajan, Bilhanan
      Tampere University of Technology. Department of Pervasive Computing. Report (Tampere University of Technology. Department of Pervasive Computing, 2014)
      The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is the de-facto means of network management in the Internet. SNMP forms the basis of many tools and applications used by operators and network administrators for network and ...
    • Committed to Peace : Historical Introduction to Finnish Defense and Security Policy 

      Calistri, Andrea
      TAPRI Net Series : 2 (Tampere Peace Research Institute, 2010)
    • Communication and Community in Digital Entertainment Services. Prestudy Research Report 

      Järvinen, Aki; Heliö, Satu; Mäyrä, Frans
      Hypermedialaboratorion verkkojulkaisuja - Hypermedia Laboratory Net Series : 2 (2002)
      CC-DES is a future-orientated research and development project where new forms of communication and interaction in digital entertainment services are analysed. The project carries out user-focused research into communication ...
    • Comparing Children, Families and Risks 

      Oksanen, Atte; Paavilainen, Eija; Pösö, Tarja; University of Tampere
      Childhood and Family Research Unit Net Series : 2/2006 (Tampere University Press, 2006)
      The edited book collects the plenary lectures and workshop presentation presented in the international seminar of "Comparing Children, Families and Risks" organised at the University of Tampere in November 2005. The papers ...
    • Comparison of Statistics Finland´s and FSD´s Metadata Models 

      Saloila, Mikko
      Yhteiskuntatieteellisen tietoarkiston julkaisuja : 11 (Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto, 2014)
      Sekä Tilastokeskus että Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tietoarkisto tuottavat laadukasta metadataa aineistoistaan. Tilastokeskuksessa kuvailuun käytetään CoSSI-tietomallia ja tietoarkistossa kansainvälistä DDI Codebook -mallia. ...
    • Complexity and Digitalisation of Cities - Challenges for Urban Planning and Design: Conference Proceedings of 13th AESOP Complexity and Planning Thematic Group Meeting 15th-16th January 2015, Tampere, Finland 

      Partanen, Jenni; Arkkitehtuurin laitos - School of Architecture; Talouden ja rakentamisen tiedekunta - Faculty of Business and Built Environment; Tampere University of Technology (Tampere University of Technology. School of Architecture, 2015)
    • Complexity and Expressivity of Uniform One-Dimensional Fragment with Equality 

      Kieronski, Emanuel; Kuusisto, Antti (Tampereen yliopisto, 2014)
      Uniform one-dimensional fragment UF is a formalism obtained from first-order logic by limiting quantification to applications of blocks of existential (universal) quantifiers such that at most one variable remains free in ...
    • Composite column - Calculation examples 

      Bzdawka, Karol
      Tampere University of Technology. Department of Civil Engineering. Research Report : 147 (Tampere University of Technology, 2010)
      Composite columns are often used in structures due to the ease and speed of erection, and high performance in fire situation. Concrete filled tubes are steel tubes that are in site filled with reinforced concrete. In normal ...
    • Comprehensive development of nearly zero-energy municipal service buildings (COMBI). Tutkimushankkeen johdanto- ja yhteenvetoraportti. 

      Vinha, Juha; Laukkarinen, Anssi; Kaasalainen, Tapio; Pihlajamaa, Pirkko; Teriö, Olli; Jokisalo, Juha; Annila, Petri; Harsia, Pirkko; Hedman, Markku; Heljo, Juhani; Kallioharju, Kari; Kauppinen, Antti; Kero, Paavo; Kivioja, Henna; Lehtinen, Taru; Marttila, Tero; Moisio, Malin; Mäkinen, Antti; Paatero, Jukka; Raunima, Tuomas; Ruusala, Annu; Sankelo, Paula; Sekki, Pauli; Sirén, Kai; Tuominen, Eero; Tuominen, Olli; Uotila, Ulrika; Uusitalo, Sakari
      Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Rakennustekniikan laboratorio. Rakennetekniikka. Tutkimusraportti (Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, 2019)
      Tässä COMBI-tutkimushankkeen johdanto- ja yhteenvetoraportissa esitetään vuosina 2015—2018 toteutetun tutkimushankkeen keskeiset suositukset ja johtopäätökset. Hankkeen tavoitteena on ollut parantaa julkisten palvelurakennusten, ...
    • Content, Advertising, and Circulation in an Optimizing Model of the Media Firm 

      Ahtiala, Pekka
      Tampere Economic Working Papers Net Series : 25/2003 (Tampereen yliopisto, 2003)
      The paper determines the effects of different influencing variables on the media company’s optimal subscription and advertising prices and editorial content. The company maximizes profit consisting of subscription and ...