Trepo - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaan
Viitteet 1-20 / 103
A Corpus-based Study on the Hebrew Loanwords in Modern American English
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
A Multimodal Study of the Labels and Packages of Organic Food Products
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
A serious global threat or a hoax? : Observing and analysing discourse on views of climate change
Valinnaisten opintojen tutkielma -
Advertisement raps: A linguistic analysis of YouTuber Harry Mack's advertising content
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this thesis is to study the ways freestyle rapper and YouTuber Harry Mack mixes the genres of advertising and rap in his advertising content. Advertisements are a prominent part of people’s everyday lives ... -
"All of youse guys is gonna have to take a little test." : Strategies of Pluralizing the 2nd Person Plural Pronoun you
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this Master’s thesis is to investigate the types of linguistic strategies speakers of English use to distinguish the singular second person pronoun you from the plural, and the different functions and meanings ... -
”An AK-47 in a White Hand has More Rights than a Black Kid with Skittles": Racial Profiling and Police Brutality in Contemporary African American Young Adult Literature
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis thesis discusses the victimization of black people by the police in the United States in the context of contemporary African American young adult literature. The focus is on the themes of racial profiling and police ... -
An exploratory study into the effects of smart devices on short-term memory
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDuring the last three centuries, humankind has seen a rapid increase in the number of new and emergent technological innovations. This emergence of new technologies begun relatively slowly, but quickly started accelerating ... -
"As if there can be no story unless we crawl and weep": Gendered Power in Madeline Miller's Circe and "Galatea"
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkielmassani tarkastelen sukupuolittunutta valtaa ja sen ilmenemismuotoja ylivaltana ja sen vastarintana Madeline Millerin romaanissa Circe (2019) ja novellissa ”Galatea” (2013). Molemmat Millerin teokset ovat feministisiä ... -
Attitudes Towards American and British English : A Survey of the Attitudes of Finnish Twenty-to-Thirty-Year-Olds
Pro gradu -tutkielmaBritish English has the status of European standard English and it is associated with the school world. American English on the other hand has a strong presence in the Finns’ lives especially in the free time through media. ... -
Body Language in David Foster Wallace's Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn my Master’s Thesis, I am exploring the role of body language and nonverbal communication in David Foster Wallace’s short story collection Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (1999). The collection has been seen as a very ... -
Building Paris : A Geocritical Approach to Ernest Hemingway’s A Movable Feast and George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn this thesis, I will examine how Paris is represented in Ernest Hemingway’s A Movable Feast (1964) and George Orwell’s Down and Out in Paris and London (1933). Both of the books are autobiographical accounts of the ... -
Buy me it or buy it for me: Pronominal ditransitive verbs in the spoken BNCs 1994 & 2014
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTämän pro gradu -tutkielman aihe on datiivivaihtelu pronominaalisissa ditransitiivikonteksteissa puhutun kielen British National Corpus -korpuksissa vuosilta 1994 and 2014. Datiivivaihtelu viittaa ditransitiiviverbin kykyyn ... -
“California, Here We Come” : Perceptions of Southern California in The O.C.
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn this thesis, I examine FOX network’s television series The O.C. (2003-2007) created by Josh Schwartz. The show takes place in a small town in Orange County, California, and follows the personal journey of Ryan Atwood ... -
Consumed Lives: The Relationship Between Consumerism and Violence in Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn this thesis, I examine the relationship between consumerism and violence in Bret Easton Ellis’s novel American Psycho. When American Psycho was first released, it was widely criticised for both the vacuousness of its ... -
Converting Technical Documentation into DITA: An Ethnographic Study of a Conversion Process
Pro gradu -tutkielmaDigital content management and structured documentation systems have become increasingly popular within companies that deal with considerable amounts of technical documentation. Implementing a structured documentation ... -
Developing Terminology Management at a Global Technology and Manufacturing Company
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Disappear Here: Spatialized Capitalism in Bret Easton Ellis' Less Than Zero and Imperial Bedrooms
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
Discourses of Displacement: A Comparative Corpus-Driven Discourse Analysis of Britain's House of Commons Debates on the Displaced Populations of Syria and Ukraine
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThis paper uses a combined methodology of corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis to analyze and compare the linguistic representations of displaced populations of Syria and Ukraine in the debates of the British ... -
Effects of language proficiency on voice onset time : A study on Mexican L2 English learners
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIn this study I used acoustic-phonetic methods to analyze audio samples from 399 users of the Master English language learning app. My aim is to answer whether a higher general proficiency in English as a second language ... -
Enemy of Enemies: Framing of Daesh in the UK and US Media
Pro gradu -tutkielmaThe purpose of this thesis was to identify the different frames that were constructed in four different Western media outlets, and the elements which constituted those frames when framing the terrorist organization known ...