Trepo - Selaus Tutkinto-ohjelman ja opintosuunnan mukaan
Viitteet 1-20 / 30
Analysis and design of an automated system for tumbler packet assembly
Diplomityö -
Application of Machine Learning Methods for Human Gait Analysis
DiplomityöThe majority of human gait analysis methods are limited to clinical gait laboratories. The calculation of gait parameters for athletes, during running in open environment, has endless possibilities of performance analysis ... -
Artificial skin with sense of touch for robotic hand
DiplomityöThis Master of Science thesis proposes a method to fabricate a soft robotic hand (SRH) with a sense of touch. Electronic skin (e-skin) – flexible and/or stretchable electronics that mimic the functions of human skin – is ... -
Automaatio-ohjelmistojen kehittäminen ja versionhallinta: Tapaustutkimus SRF-tuotantoprosessista
DiplomityöAutomaatio-ohjelmistojen kompleksisuus on muodostunut ongelmaksi muun muassa prosessiteollisuudessa ja koneenvalmistuksessa. Ohjelmistojen kompleksisuuden ja kustannusten kasvaessa ohjelmistojen kehitykseen ja ylläpitoon ... -
Combining the functionality of multiple automatic cells by introducing a dual-arm robot station
DiplomityöThe industrial revolution 4.0 is resulting in a shift of production and manufacturing processes to become more efficient and streamlined. This involves the refurnishing and upgrading of existing technology in production ... -
Commissioning and System Integration Tests for an Industrial Manipulator Workstation
DiplomityöIndustrial systems are composed of several sub systems and architectures that are provided by different manufacturers. System integration aims at enabling a developer to combine these unit systems with limited functionality ... -
Data analysis for machine parameter optimization
DiplomityöEnergy efficiency, performance rate and production quality are the key factors of profitable machinery operation in forestry machines or any other domain of heavy machinery. Machines are often operated in range of operating ... -
Design and implementation of a human-robot collaborative assembly workstation in a modular robotized production line
DiplomityöOver the last decades, the Industrial Automation domain at factory shop floors experienced an exponential growth in the use of robots. The objective of such change aims to increase the efficiency at reasonable cost. However, ... -
Design and implementation of microfluidic chip to study chemotactic migration of cancer cells
DiplomityöChemotactic movement in response to drug candidates is one of the leading tangible indicators of cell's state, which has widely spread in biomedical fields ranging from normal wound healing to metastatic migration of cancer ... -
Design of Autonomous Cleaning Robot
DiplomityöToday, the research is concentrated on designing and developing robots to address the challenges of human life in their everyday activities. The cleaning robots are the class of service robots whose demands are increasing ... -
Development of safety-related software for an embedded system
Diplomityö -
Dynaamisen kiertoleijupetikattilamallin kehittäminen käynnistystilanteisiin soveltuvaksi
DiplomityöPerinteisiltä voimalaitoksilta vaaditaan jatkuvasti enemmän joustavuutta uusiutuvan energian lisääntymisen ja sähkömarkkinoiden muuttuvien vaatimusten vuoksi. Tämä tarkoittaa, että laitoksille tulee eteen yhä useammin ... -
Emotion-driven human-cobot interaction based on EEG in industrial applications
Pro gradu -tutkielmaCurrently, the world is facing its fourth industrial revolution which has been conceptualized into the term of “Industry 4.0”. Among all the features that include this idea, becomes essential to keep humans in the loop of ... -
Evaluation of Arrowhead Framework in Condition Monitoring Application
DiplomityöThe technological advancement in the field of electronics and information technology is changing how industrial automation systems are built. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the fourth industrial revolution. ... -
Force Control for Soft Robotic Hands Applied to Grasping
DiplomityöRobotic grasping has been studied for more than 30 years, but it is still a challenging field. Today, most robotic grippers are rigid, making it hard for them to grasp and handle irregularly shaped objects that are delicate ... -
Inhimilliset ja organisatoriset tekijät – Eurooppalaisen lainsäädännön vaatimukset rautatietoimintojen turvallisuusjohtamisessa
DiplomityöEuroopan unionin rautatielainsäädäntö on muuttumassa ja tulee velvoittamaan rautatietoimijoita huomioimaan toiminnassaan inhimilliset ja organisatoriset tekijät. Tässä diplomityössä tarkasteltiin millaisia vaatimuksia ... -
IoT-protokollan integrointi OPC UA:han kaukolämpöjärjestelmän tiedonkeruussa
DiplomityöAutomaatiojärjestelmien tiedonsiirron tarve lisääntyy jatkuvasti. Automaatiojärjestelmät laajenevat tai niistä kerätään enemmän tietoa. Tavoitteena voi olla esimerkiksi prosessin tilannekuvan parantaminen tai prosessin ... -
Locomotion Optimization of Photoresponsive Small-scale Robot: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
DiplomityöSoft robots comprise of elastic and flexible structures, and actuatable soft materials are often used to provide stimuli-responses, remotely controlled with different kinds of external stimuli, which is beneficial for ...