Trepo - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)
Viitteet 1-20 / 350
A comparative study of achieving styles of managers and politicians in a transitional economy and a knowledge economy
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 790 (Tampere University of Technology, 2008)
Artikkeliväitöskirja -
A framework for analysing contracting strategies: studies on maximising paper production line life cycle profits
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 746 (Tampere University of Technology, 2008)
MonografiaväitöskirjaIncreasing market competition forces firms to improve profitability, and outsourcing and partnership contracts are some of the essential means of pursuing cost efficiency. Comparing the profitability of alternative contracting ... -
A Non-recursive Solution Method for Fixed-interval Smoothing Problems Applied to Short-term Inertial Navigation
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1125 (Tampere University of Technology, 2013)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThis study focuses on short-term inertial navigation performed within a fixed time interval; one which is already over before the gathered data is processed. This yields a fixed-interval smoothing problem. The time interval ... -
A Parametric Approach for Efficient Speech Storage, Flexible Synthesis and Voice Conversion
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1156 (Tampere University of Technology, 2013)
MonografiaväitöskirjaDuring the past decades, many areas of speech processing have benefited from the vast increases in the available memory sizes and processing power. For example, speech recognizers can be trained with enormous speech databases ... -
A typology of competitive actions
Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto. Julkaisu : 725 (Tampere University of Technology, 2008)
MonografiaväitöskirjaIn this dissertation I posit that prior research on competitive dynamics – while having contributed significantly to enhancing understanding concerning competitive interaction of companies – lacks both a theoretically ... -
Aasian kehittyvät lentoliikennemarkkinat
DiplomityöMaailmantalouden painopiste on siirtymässä Aasiaan, mikä osaltaan aiheuttaa sen, että Aasian lentoliikennemarkkinat ovat kehittymässä maailman suurimmiksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa Aasian lentoliikenteen ... -
Abstracting Application Development for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1306 (Tampere University of Technology, 2015)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaUbiquitous computing is a concept whereby computing is distributed across smart objects surrounding users, creating ambient intelligence. Ubiquitous applications use technologies such as the Internet, sensors, actuators, ... -
Active Voltage Control in Distribution Networks Including Distributed Energy Resources
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1203 (Tampere University of Technology, 2014)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe structure and control methods of existing distribution networks are planned assuming unidirectional power flows. The amount of generation connected to distribution networks is, however, constantly increasing which ... -
Adaptive Nonlocal Signal Restoration and Enhancement Techniques for High-Dimensional Data
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1277 (Tampere University of Technology, 2015)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe large number of practical applications involving digital images has motivated a significant interest towards restoration solutions that improve the visual quality of the data under the presence of various acquisition ... -
Additive and Digital Fabrication of 3D Interconnects in MEMS Packaging Using Printing Technologies
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1553 (Tampere University of Technology, 2018)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaWith the introduction of electrically functional inks and continuous development of printing equipment, the application of printed electronics in the fabrication of electronic circuits, structures and devices has been ... -
Adoption of innovation: Wood pellet heating system in the renewable residential energy context
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 884 (Tampere University of Technology, 2010)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaGetting a new idea widely adopted is difficult. For companies, therefore, it is fundamental that customers are willing to adopt the provided idea or a technological system. Understanding customers, their perceptions, and ... -
Advanced Signal Processing in Multi-mode Multi-frequency Receivers for Positioning Applications
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1176 (Tampere University of Technology, 2013)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe demands for positioning services are increasing steadily since the first Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), NAVSTAR Global Positioning System, also known as GPS was introduced in the early 80s. The increasing ... -
Advanced techniques for classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data
Tampere University of Techology. Publication : 1233 (Tampere University of Technology, 2014)
MonografiaväitöskirjaWith various remote sensing technologies to aid Earth Observation, radar-based imaging is one of them gaining major interests due to advances in its imaging techniques in form of syn-thetic aperture radar (SAR) and ... -
Advanced Tracking Loop Architectures for Multi-frequency GNSS Receiver
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1609 (Tampere University of Technology, 2018)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe multi-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals are designed to overcome the inherent performance limitations of single-frequency receivers. However, the processing of multiple frequency signals in a ... -
Agile BI - Liiketoimintatiedon hallintaympäristön ketterä rakentaminen
DiplomityöLiiketoimintatiedon hallinta, eli business intelligence on noussut tärkeäksi kilpailutekijäksi ja merkittäväksi osaksi päätöksentekoprosessia. Liiketoimintatiedon hallintaprojektit ovat monimutkaisia ja vaativat paljon ... -
Air Gap Fields in Electrical Machines: Harmonics and Modeling of Movement
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1281 (Tampere University of Technology, 2015)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaThe aim of this thesis is to develop mathematical tools for the efficient electromagnetic analysis of electromechanical devices. In the analysis of rotating electrical machines, the air gap fields play an important role. ... -
Akateeminen yrittäjyys ja spin-off -yritykset yliopistotutkimuksen kaupallistamisen seurauksena – Systeemibiologiset asiantuntijapalvelut
DiplomityöMuutokset yliopistoihin kohdistuvissa vaatimuksissa tuovat mukanaan ”akateemisen vallankumouksen”, jossa kaupallisista tuloksista tulee yliopistoille pikemminkin normi kuin valinnainen sivuaktiviteetti. Suomessa uudistunut ... -
Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods for Error-Correcting Codes with Applications to Fault-Tolerant Logic
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1336 (Tampere University of Technology, 2015)
MonografiaväitöskirjaIn this thesis, algebraic and combinatorial tools are used in the study and applications of error-correcting codes and logic design. In the first part, decision diagrams and error-correcting codes are combined to introduce ... -
Algorithms and Methods for Received Signal Strength Based Wireless Localization
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1365 (Tampere University of Technology, 2016)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaIn the era of wireless communications, the demand for localization and localization-based services has been continuously growing, as increasingly smarter wireless devices have emerged to the market. Besides the already ... -
Algorithms for Autonomous Personal Navigation Systems
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 1171 (Tampere University of Technology, 2013)
MonografiaväitöskirjaPersonal positioning is a challenging topic in the area of navigation mainly because of the cost, size and power consumption constraints imposed on the hardware. Satellite based positioning techniques can meet the requirements ...