Trepo - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)
Viitteet 1-20 / 507
A computational study on the membrane sculpting mechanism of missing-in-metastasis
DiplomityöMissing-in-metastasis (MIM) is an adaptor protein that connects the actin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. Its N-terminal domain, known as MIM IMD, is a member of the Bin-amphiphysin-Rvs (BAR) domain family, known for ... -
A content-based music recommender system
Pro gradu -tutkielmaMusic recommenders have become increasingly relevant due to increased accessibility provided by various music streaming services. Some of these streaming services, such as Spotify, include a recommender system of their ... -
A Dual Contrast Method for Computed Tomography Diagnostics of Cartilage Injuries
DiplomityöThe diagnostics of fresh cartilage injuries in the early-state is important for the prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA). Contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) enables the detection of fresh cartilage ... -
A framework for analyzing playability requirements based on game reviews
Pro gradu -tutkielmaRequirements Engineering is an important phase in software development. Game development also requires Requirement Engineering, due to the frequently changes of requirements during the process of the game development ... -
A method to support gamification design practice with motivation analysis and goal modeling
CEUR Workshop Proceedings : 2186 (CEUR-WS, 2018)
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A Multiresolution Approach to the Waveform Tomography Inverse Problem
DiplomityöFull waveform tomography refers to a technique that can used in imaging internal structures of a target object without altering or damaging it in anyway. The term full waveform means that the wave is utilized in its full ... -
A rapid cell culture protocol for screening material cytocompatibility
DiplomityöHydrogels differ from many other cell culture substrates in that they provide a three-dimensional, soft environment for cells, opposed to a two-dimensional surface on which cells are traditionally cultured. This geometry ... -
A remedy perspective for emerging antipatterns in agile software projects in small and medium enterprises
Pro gradu -tutkielmaAgile manifesto transforms mindset of software development teams, with the purpose of enabling them to provide rapid deliveries. Lack of conceptual clarity in the agile theory leads to multi-faceted agile nature, with teams ... -
A semiparametric mixture regression model for longitudinal data
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Access control for Linked Data applications
DiplomityöThis thesis investigates how access control can be implemented in applications which utilize Linked Data. From the viewpoint of access control the relevant subject is, instead of Linked Open Data, specifically Linked Closed ... -
Advanced pulsed and long-wavelength semiconductor lasers based on quantum-dot and antimonide materials
DiplomityöIn this thesis mid-infrared optically-pumped semiconductor disk laser (OP-SDL) emitting at 2.5 µm is developed for the very first time. Although laser diodes at this wavelength have already been reported, the motivation of ... -
Aerosolin nopea hapetus laminaarisessa läpivirtauskammiossa
DiplomityöIlmakehä on hapettava ympäristö. Hapetusreaktioiden seurauksena ilmakehään emittoituneet kaasut voivat osittain siirtyä hiukkasfaasiin, jolloin muodostuu sekundääristä hiukkasmassaa. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli ... -
Aerosolisynteesin tuottamien nanohiukkasten reaaliaikainen monitorointi
DiplomityöNanomateriaaleja on mahdollista tuottaa kaasufaasin kautta aerosolisynteesillä, jonka yhteydessä on tärkeää monitoroida tuotantoprosessia optimaalisen materiaalin tuottamiseksi. Aerosolihiukkasten pienten kokojen takia on ... -
Aika-taajuus- ja konnektiivisuusestimaattien käyttö aivojen sähköisen toiminnan analysoimisessa
DiplomityöEräs tärkeimmistä aivojen tutkimusmenetelmistä on aivojen sähköisen toiminnan mittaaminen. Elektroenkefalografia (EEG) on tärkeä mittaväline aivojen valvetilan sekä dynaamisen tilan kuvaamisessa ja menetelmä on laajalti ... -
Ajoneuvovakuutusten hinnoittelu tilastollisista lähtökohdista
Pro gradu -tutkielmaTutkielmassa tutustutaan ajoneuvovakuutusten hinnoitteluun yleistettyjen lineaaristen mallien avulla. Yleistettyjen lineaaristen mallien teoriaan liittyen tutustumme eksponentiaaliseen jakaumaperheeseen ja erityisesti ... -
Algorithmic extraction of data in tables in PDF documents
DiplomityöTables are an intuitive and universally used way of presenting large sets of experimental results and research findings, and as such, they are the majority source of significant data in scientific publications. As no ... -
AMK-insinöörien matematiikan osaaminen siirryttäessä TTY:lle maisterivaiheeseen
DiplomityöTampereen teknillisessä yliopistossa (TTY) matematiikan perusopinnot ovat 27 opintopistettä (op), joista 15 op on kaikille opiskelijoille samoja Insinöörimatematiikan opintojaksoja. Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulussa (TAMK) ...