Trepo - Selaus tekijän mukaan "Qadir, Ali"
De-Mystifying Mysticism: A Critical Realist Perspective on Ambivalences in the Study of Mysticism
Qadir, Ali; Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana (25.12.2024)
article<p>The study of mysticism has been at an impasse for many years, wavering between naïve realism around a common core hypothesis and critical questioning of the category of mysticism and its imposition. In this article, we ... -
Deconstruction of religious thought in Islam: Iqbal and the Ahmadiyya
Qadir, Ali (03.12.2021)
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Deep Culture and the Mystical Agency of Mary in Eastern Christianity
Qadir, Ali; Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana (2018)
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The Discursive Side of Sociological Institutionalism in the Study of Religion
Qadir, Ali; Alasuutari, Pertti (15.02.2022)
articleThis article introduces sociological institutionalism and proposes a discursive addition for enhancing its utility for the study of religion. The article reviews neoinstitutionalist social theorizing and underlines its ... -
Doors to the Imaginal : Implications of Sunni Islam’s Persecution of the Ahmadi “Heresy"
Qadir, Ali (2018)
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Good Subjects: Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan, English and the Punjab University
Qadir, Ali (2009)
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Hired Education : The Commission on National Education and Modernity in Pakistan
Qadir, Ali (2009)
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The moral authority of science: Evidence from parliamentary debates in seven countries
Qadir, Ali; Syväterä, Jukka (23.02.2021)
articleRelying on a neo-institutionalist framework of epistemic governance, this article<br/>examines the rhetorical function the term ‘science’ plays in the parliamentary<br/>discourse of seven countries. Our analysis confirms ... -
Negotiations of Science and Religion in Nordic Institutions: An Ethnographic Approach
Qadir, Ali; Vuolanto, Pia (10.01.2021)
articleThis article explores how two seemingly contradictory global trends—scientific rationality and religious expressiveness—intersect and are negotiated in people’s lives in Nordic countries. We focus on Finland and Sweden, ... -
Russia in world society: A comparative perspective on international references in parliamentary debates
Tiaynen-Qadir, Tatiana; Qadir, Ali; Alasuutari, Pertti (2019)
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Tangential Modernity: Culture of Higher Education Reform in Pakistan
Qadir, Ali
Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis : 1148 (Tampere University Press, 2011)
VäitöskirjaThe aim of this thesis is to question, and to trace the construction of, the notion of modernity underpinning higher education and other development policy in Pakistan. The dissertation seeks to show how it is not possible ...