Trepo - Selaus tekijän mukaan "Jaakkola, Hannu"

    • About the Essence of Intelligence - Will Artificial Intelligence (Ever) Cover Human Intelligence? 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (2022)
      <p>Computers were originally developed for executing complex calculations fast and effectively. The intelligence of computer was based on arithmetic capabilities. This has been the mainstream in the development of computers ...
    • Anti-Patterns for an Industrial PhD in the Field of ICT 

      Jaakkola, Hannu; Systä, Kari
      Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE (10 / 2020)
      PhD programmes run by universities are planned for the needs of full-time students who have funding for the study period and an opportunity to work full time as a member of the academic community. This approach aims at ...
    • Artificial Intelligence and Education 

      Jaakkola, Hannu (09 / 2020)
    • Creating Randomness with games 

      Jaakkola, Hannu (04 / 2019)
      In our more and more connected and open World randomness has become an endangered species. We may soon not have anything private, all out communication, interaction with others becomes publicly available. The only method ...
    • Creating randomness with games 

      Jaakkola, Hannu (2019)
      <p>In our increasingly connected and open World, randomness has become an endangered species. We may soon not have anything private, all out communication, interaction with others becomes publicly available. The only method ...
    • Cultures in Information Systems Development 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (01 / 2019)
      Modelling is an essential part of information systems development. Models are used for communication between interest groups and inside development teams. Models are also used for transferring baseline artefacts between ...
    • Functions of Models in Scenarios and Their Maturity 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (01 / 2020)
    • Globalization and Education 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      Proceedings of the International Convention MIPRO (2024)
      <p>Globalization is one of the long-term trends worldwide, referring to the interconnectedness and interdependence of economies, cultures, societies, and technologies on a global scale. Education is not a separate part of ...
    • Handling Software Icebergs 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      CEUR Workshop Proceedings (09 / 2022)
    • How to manage cultural differences? 

      Jaakkola, Hannu (02 / 2023)
    • Identifying up-to-the-minute topics in software process improvement research 

      Keto, Harri; Jaakkola, Hannu
      CEUR workshop proceedings (22.09.2017)
      The development of standards and methods used in software process improvement has for many years been oriented to the identification of best practices, but recent trends show an increasing interest in new research topics, ...
    • Lessons Learned from Developing Prototypes for Customer Complaint Validation 

      Grönman, Jere; Rantanen, Petri; Saari, Mika; Sillberg, Pekka; Jaakkola, Hannu
      CEUR Workshop Proceedings (08 / 2018)
      This research introduces two prototypes installed in vehicles and a cloud service for autonomous collection of data. The prototypes utilize camera, location data, and timestamps to help those responsible for managing ...
    • Machine learning vs human learning 

      Jaakkola, Hannu (09 / 2021)
    • Make IT Sustainable Again! 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (2024)
      Our ‘Information Age’ is based on Information Technology (IT), what we expect to create soon more new value that the traditional production. However, in spite of massive investments in IT the expected results are not always ...
    • Model-Based Fifth Generation Programming 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (01 / 2020)
    • Non-determinism in nowadays computing and IT education 

      Jaakkola, Hannu
      International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (09 / 2020)
    • On Supervising Master’s Theses in Industry Context 

      Jaakkola, Hannu; Systä, Kari (11 / 2022)
      In software engineering, students easily find internships in companies while still studying. To combine their studies and employment, many of them seek to compose their final theses in an industry context, for the benefit ...
    • Practices for Supervising Master's Theses in Company Context: An Anti-Pattern Approach 

      Jaakkola, Hannu; Systä, Kari (2022)
      <p>Software Engineering (SE) university students often work part-time during their studies. In this setup the students can reform the practices of companies by transferring what they have learned to companies and correspondingly ...
    • Reducing energy consumption with IoT prototyping 

      Saari, Mika; Sillberg, Pekka; Grönman, Jere; Kuusisto, Markku; Rantanen, Petri; Jaakkola, Hannu (2019)
      Nowadays, energy consumption and especially energy saving, are topics of great importance. Recent news regarding global warming has increased the need to save energy. In Finland, one of the major sources of energy ...