Trepo - Selaus tekijän mukaan "Babahajiani, Pouria"
Geometric Computer Vision: Omnidirectional visual and remotely sensed data analysis
Babahajiani, Pouria
Tampere University Dissertations - Tampereen yliopiston väitöskirjat : 425 (Tampere University, 2021)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaInformation about the surrounding environment perceived by the human eye is one of the most important cues enabled by sight. The scientific community has put a great effort throughout time to develop methods for scene ... -
Semantic segmentation of outdoor scenes using LIDAR cloud point
Babahajiani, Pouria (2015)
DiplomityöIn this paper we present a novel street scene semantic recognition framework, which takes advantage of 3D point clouds captured by a high definition LiDAR laser scanner. An important problem in object recognition is the ...