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Viitteet 296-315 / 82895
A 3d Real-Time Monitoring System for a Production Line
DiplomityöIt is hypothesized than a transparent view of the factory floor, in real time, will provide grounds for achieving a better control over the factory assets, including maintenance activities and scheduling optimization. The ... -
A 50-Year Autopsy Based Study Approach with Coronary Measurements on Epidemiology, Pathology, Risk Factors and Genetics of Sudden Cardiac Death
Syventävä työTässä työssä kokosimme Helsingin ja Tampereen yliopistojen oikeuslääketieteen laitoksilla 60-luvun lopulta asti kerätyt sepelvaltimotaudin ja sydänäkkikuoleman tutkimiseen tarkoitetut ruumiinavausaineistot yhdeksi kohortiksi. ... -
A B2B case study on intelligent transport systems
Pro gradu -tutkielmaIntelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a field that concerns the applying of information, communications and control technologies to improve the transport network and its operations. A part of this process is the utilization ... -
A Bi-Directional Model from an Equation to Mathematical Word Problems.
Lisensiaatintyö -
A biodegradable urethral stent with new braided configuration and drug-eluting properties
Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis : 890 (Tampere University Press, 2009)
VäitöskirjaUusiutuva virtsaputken arpireaktion aiheuttama ahtauma on edelleenkin hoidollinen ongelma, vaikka urologisen kirurgian menetelmät ovat kehittyneet paljon viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ... -
A Bioinformatics Approach to Analyzing the Pathogenicity of Mutations by Using Protein Structure Information : A Study on DNA Polymerase Gamma
Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis : 1853 (Tampere University Press, 2018)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaGeneettisen testauksen kustannusten laskiessa, pullonkaulaksi saatavilla olevan tiedon hyödyntämiseen on muodostumassa tietämyksemme eri geneettisten variaatioiden ja mutaatioden merkityksestä. Jokaisella henkilöllä on ... -
A Bivalent Meningococcal B Vaccine in Adolescents and Young Adults
article -
“A Body Shape Index” in Middle-Age and Older Indonesian Population: Scaling Exponents and Association with Incident Hypertension
articleBACKGROUND: "A Body Shape Index" (ABSI) is a recently proposed index that standardizes waist circumference for body mass index (BMI) and height. This study aims to: (a) examine if the ABSI scaling exponents for standardizing ... -
A Brand New Dan - Strategic Role of Marketing Communications: Case Stora Enso Timber.
Pro gradu -tutkielma -
A brief intervention is sufficient for many adolescents seeking help from low threshold adolescent psychiatric services
articleBackground There has been a considerable increase in the need for psychiatric services for adolescents. Primary health care practitioners have a major role in detecting, screening and helping these adolescents. An ... -
A brief survey on image morphing
KandidaatintyöImage morphing has been recognized as an interesting and powerful tool for visual effects, allowing one object smoothly transforming to another object. It is widely applied in image editing and film production applications, ... -
A build environment for creating a custom Linux distribution for train information system devices : Creating a Linux distribution with the Yocto Project
DiplomityöThe objective of this work was to investigate the possibility of using the open source tools provided by The Yocto Project, especially the task and build engine BitBake, to replace the old device image toolchain called ... -
A Business Application Architecture Framework in Manufacturing Industry
Tampere University of Technology. Publication : 530 (Tampere University of Technology, 2005)
MonografiaväitöskirjaIn a contemporary business environment business processes are under constant change. Information systems and applications are becoming more complex so that they are able to support and react promptly to these complicated ... -
A Business Model Perspective to Retail Transformation
Tampere University Dissertations - Tampereen yliopiston väitöskirjat : 601 (Tampere University, 2022)
ArtikkeliväitöskirjaKauppa luo asiakasarvoa yhdistämällä tuotannon ja kuluttamisen. Markkinoiden nykyiset kehityspiirteet viittaavat toimialan olevan evoluutionsa taitekohdassa. Edelläkävijäyritykset kuten mm. alustatalouden toimijat ovat ...