Trepo - Selaus tiedekunnan mukaan (- 2018)
Viitteet 21-40 / 778
Adaptive Backlash Inverse Compensated Virtual Decomposition Control of a Hydraulic Manipulator with Backlash Nonlinearity
DiplomityöVirtual decomposition control is a new non-linear model-based (that is, based on the kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies) control approach for controlling multiple degrees of freedom robots. It has been successfully ... -
Additive manufacturing: Part design, optimization and manufacturing processes selection Implementation of a project-based learning education for AM using the case study of a pressure air engine.
DiplomityöAdditive manufacturing (AM), due to significant advancement from traditional manufacturing and new potentials has attracted significant interest in a diverse set of industries. Considerable advances have been made in the ... -
Adiabatic Shear banding in Titanium 15-3-3-3 Alloy
DiplomityöShear stresses are a common reason for failure in many industrial applications. Localized shear deformations in certain materials can lead to the formation of adiabatic shear bands. Titanium alloys in particular have proven ... -
Adoption of microservices in industrial information systems: a systematic literature review
DiplomityöThe internet, digitalization and globalization have transformed customer expectations and the way business is done. Product life cycles have shortened, products need to be customizable, and the production needs to be ... -
Adsorptiomoduulin kehitys ja valmistus energiatekniikan sovelluksia varten
DiplomityöEnergiantarve kasvaa vuosittain, mikä ajaa luomaan uusia tai kehittämään vanhoja tekniikoita energian tuotantoon. Energiatuotantoa on pyritty kehittämään esimerkiksi uusien materiaalivalintojen kautta. Huokoista keraamia ... -
Aero-vibro Acoustic Simulation of an Ultrahigh-Speed Elevator
DiplomityöThere are many solutions for computing sound and each one of them have advantages and limitations. The challenge when using deterministic methods for acoustic simulation in case of complex application, derives from the ... -
Ageing of Polymeric Floorings and Floor Adhesives in Alkaline and Humid Environment
DiplomityöPlastic floorings, especially PVC (polyvinyl chloride) floorings, are popular and they are widely used both in private apartments and in public buildings. Yet, the use of PVC floorings has led to deterioration of indoor ... -
Aikaväli- ja taajuusmittauslaitteiston modernisointi
DiplomityöTämä diplomityö kuvaa uuden aikaväli- ja taajuusmittauslaitteiston suunnittelua ja rakentamista Ilmavoimien Materiaalilaitoksen akkreditoidulle K013-kalibrointilaboratoriolle. Kalibrointilaboratorion aikaisempi laitteisto ... -
Aksiaalimäntäpumpputestipenkin uudistamisprojekti
DiplomityöTyö perustuu Bosch Rexroth Oy:n Vantaan toimipisteessä sijaitsevan huollon aksiaalimäntäpumpputestipenkin uudistamisprojektiin. Olemassa oleva penkki on tekniikaltaan osittain vanhentunutta. Lisäksi testauskapasiteettia ... -
Aktiivi- ja reservialueohjauksen kehittäminen varastonhallintajärjestelmässä
DiplomityöYksi paljon käytetty tapa tehostaa keräilyä varastossa on käyttää aktiivi- ja reservialuejakoa. Aktiivialue on rajattu joukko varastopaikkoja, joista tuotteiden keräys on helppoa ja nopeaa. Työssä tutkitaan aktiivialueen ... -
Aktiviteetin tunnistus mobiililaitteiden kiihtyvyysantureilla
DiplomityöTässä työssä luodaan järjestelmä, joka tunnistaa mobiililaitteen käyttäjän aktiviteetin kiihtyvyysanturin avulla. Tunnistettavat aktiviteetit ovat kävely, juoksu, pyöräily, passiivisuus ja muu liikunta. Tavoitteena ... -
AlSi10Mg(Fe) painevalualumiinin lämmönjohtavuus
DiplomityöTiivistelmä: Painevalettuja alumiinikomponentteja käytetään usein sähköelektroniikkateollisuuden laitteissa. Prosessorien ja tehovahvistimien kehittyessä niiden tuottama lämpökuorma kohdistuu yhä pienemmälle alalle. Jos ... -
Alternative Manufacturing and Testing Methods of Stretchable Electronics
DiplomityöStretchable electronics are used in wearable applications to implement intelligent features. The main characteristic of stretchable electronics is stretchability enabling deformation required in wearable objects such as ... -
Ammunnanhallintajärjestelmän diagnostiikan koulutuspaketti
DiplomityöThe purpose of the thesis was to produce training material for heavy rocket launcher’s fire control system diagnostics used by the Finish Defense Forces. The material is mainly directed to reservists who will be trained ... -
An Approach for Improving Transparency and Traceability of Industrial Supply Chain with Blockchain Technology
DiplomityöNowadays, the modern supply chain is facing the new threats and opportunities due to quality, safety, ethics, environmental impact and other serious problems aroused by the opacity of supply chain. On the contrary, a ... -
An approach to autonomous collision avoidance in a Monorail transfer system
DiplomityöCollision Avoidance Systems are utilized both in industry and traffic in attempt to prevent material losses and injuries. These systems are implemented using sensors, communication systems or a combination of these. The ... -
An approach to optimal nearly zero-energy buildings under Finnish and Spanish conditions
DiplomityöEurope has stablished the path towards nearly zero-energy buildings (nZEB), soon required in every new construction and large renovation in existing buildings. Regarding to this, the European energy performance of buildings ... -
An Approach to Optimizing the Scheduling of Assembly Lines Controlled by Web Services
DiplomityöThe combination of factory automation and computer science plays intense important role in modern manufacturing business. This thesis introduces a scheduling & optimization system applied on one assembly line. The ... -
An Implementation of KPI-ML to a Multi-Robot Line Simulator
DiplomityöEmergence of highly competitive markets have led to more deep and thorough evaluation of performances across the manufacturing industry to enhance the efficiency of production processes. Manufacturing industry across the ... -
An Integrated Approach for Ontology-Driven Configuration Management and Run-Time Execution of Manufacturing Systems
DiplomityöThe contemporary manufacturing systems must respond instantly to rapidly changing customer and market requirements in order to survive the intensive competitive environment. The factories should have the agility to adapt ...